ビールに合うおつまみ5選 l 家飲みのおつまみ l 40代主婦の日常 l 丁寧な暮らし l 5 best snacks to go with beer


00:00 オープニング
00:10 ヤンニョムチキン
02:36 銀杏入りつくね
05:07 ゼッポリーネ
07:19 枝豆のピリ辛漬け
09:19 豚の角煮


 鶏もも肉         500g
 塩            少々
 胡椒           少々
 酒            少々
 片栗粉          適量
 コチュジャン       大さじ1
 ケチャップ        大さじ4
 オリゴ糖         大さじ3
 みりん          大さじ1
 にんにく(みじん切り)  大さじ1
 醤油           大さじ1
 水            大さじ2         
 梅酒(または梅シロップ) 大さじ1
 アーモンド        10粒
 いりごま         適量

 銀杏           80g
 塩            少々
 鶏ひき肉         160g
 ねぎ(みじん切り)    大さじ2
 生姜(すりおろし)    大さじ1/2
 酒            大さじ1
 水            大さじ1
 塩            ひとつまみ
 片栗粉          小さじ2
 酒            大さじ1
 みりん          大さじ1.5
 醤油           大さじ1
 砂糖           小さじ1


 強力粉          120g
 薄力粉          80g
 塩            小さじ1/2
 砂糖           小さじ1
 トライイースト      3g
 ぬるま湯         135ml
 生青のり         50g
 揚げ油          適量
 塩(仕上げ用)      適量


 枝豆           200g
 水            100ml
 みりん          50ml
 醤油           50ml
 砂糖           大さじ1/2
 ごま油          大さじ1
 にんにく         1かけ


 豚バラ肉かたまり     500~600g
 昆布           7g
 生姜(薄切り)      4~5枚
 ネギの青い部分      1本
 酒            1カップ
 水            浸るくらい
 酒            大さじ2
 みりん          大さじ2
 砂糖           小さじ1
 ハチミツ         大さじ1
 醤油           大さじ1と1/2
 たまり醤油        大さじ1


 家族の大好きな料理5選 ▶https://youtu.be/cRPumOz0YjI
 ベストおつまみ10選 ▶https://youtu.be/jGrYGjgBefU
 旦那が選ぶおつまみベスト5選 ▶https://youtu.be/IiPEl1vIstA



Thank you for watching 🌿.

Hello everyone☺.
It’s the season when hot and humid days are gradually approaching.
What we want to drink during such a season is a refreshing and crisp beer!
This time, we have selected 5 snacks that go well with beer in the video introducing the life with utsuwa.
We would also like to share with you some recipes that we have not released yet.
We hope you will try making the dishes you are interested in 🙏.

👨🍳Recipe Notes
 *Seasonings such as pre-cooking are not included in the amount.

■Yangnyeom Chicken 
 500 g chicken thigh meat
 A pinch of salt
 A pinch of pepper
 A pinch of sake
 A dash of katakuriko (potato starch)
 1 tablespoon gochujang (red pepper paste)
 4 tablespoons ketchup
 3 tablespoons oligosaccharide
 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
 1 tablespoon garlic, minced
 1 tablespoon soy sauce
 2 tablespoons water         
 1 tablespoon plum wine (or plum syrup)
 10 almonds
 A pinch of scorched sesame seeds
 *[Ouchi- Izakaya] Ouchi-Pocha today! :https://youtu.be/gHVs9lyeeA4

■Tsukune with Ginkgo Skewers
 80g ginkgo nut
 A pinch of salt
 160 g minced chicken meat
 2 tablespoons finely chopped spring onion
 1/2 tablespoon grated ginger
 1 tablespoon sake
 1 tablespoon water
 1 pinch of salt
 2 teaspoons katakuriko (potato starch)
 1 tablespoon sake
 1.5 tablespoons mirin (sweet cooking sake)
 1 tablespoon soy sauce
 1 teaspoon sugar

 *Japanese rice with seasonal flavors: https://youtu.be/wIFIe_IiiKc

 120g strong flour
 80 g light flour
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1 teaspoon sugar
 3g try yeast
 135 ml lukewarm water
 50 g fresh green laver
 oil to taste
 salt (for finishing) to taste

 *[Living Vlog] Grandfather’s Day meal – Part 1: https://youtu.be/pO7wtNdgQtU
 *[Living Vlog] Gohan for Father’s Day – Part 2: https://youtu.be/5FL6DYhZ1Uc

■Pickled edamame with spicy sauce
 200g edamame
 100ml water
 50ml mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
 50ml soy sauce
 1/2 tbsp sugar
 1 tablespoon sesame oil
 1 garlic clove

 *8 dishes to make] Don’t let the lingering summer heat get the best of you! Spicy dish: https://youtu.be/hE2OeqfyRXA

■Pork stewed in cubes
 500-600 g pork belly chunks
 7 g kelp
 4-5 slices ginger
 1 green part of leek
 1 cup sake
 Enough water to soak
 2 tablespoons sake
 2 tablespoons mirin (sweet cooking sake)
 1 teaspoon sugar
 1 tablespoon honey
 1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
 1 tbsp tamari soy sauce

 *[Winter Recipes] 9 main dishes and 9 dishes to keep on hand: https://youtu.be/5bH6j2JQUDI

🎥See below for the other best editions 👇.
 Five of my family’s favorite dishes ▶https://youtu.be/cRPumOz0YjI
 The 10 best snacks ▶https://youtu.be/jGrYGjgBefU
 The 5 best snacks for husbands ▶https://youtu.be/IiPEl1vIstA

🌟”Living with Utsuwa” web store is now open!
 Please visit us as we are constantly updating our announcements, Blog, etc.

#丁寧な暮らし #暮らし #40代主婦の日常 #utsuwa #cooking #vlog #料理動画 #家飲み #おつまみ #ビール