Quick and Easy Pumpkin Lasagna (vegan) | 簡単で素早くできる南瓜のラザニア

This is my favourite recipe. It is very easy and quick and very delicious! The soy milk sauce is just as creamy as béchamel sauce. Since only one sauce is used for this lasagna it takes only about 20 minutes to prepare. This recipe is especially recommended if you don’t have a lot of time to cook for your family or friends but still want to serve a special meal!


Ingredients (serves 4-5 people)

1box of lasagna
2 onions
3 carrots
1 l soy milk
500 g Japanese pumpkin
5 Tbsp flour
4 tsp olive oil
2 Tbsp vegetable bouillon powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
5 Tbsp breadcrumbs
2 Tbsp olive oil to drizzle on top

Bake for 35-45min on 180°C / 356°F


2 小さめ玉ねぎ
2 小さめ人参
1L 豆乳
500g 南瓜
大さじ5 小麦粉
小さじ4 オリーブオイル
大さじ2 野菜粉末ブイヨン(もしくはコンソメ)
1/4 胡椒
大さじ5 パン粉
大さじ2 オリーブオイル(仕上げパン粉用)

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