
    I’ll mix this. I’ll add cheese to it. Hi, I’m Fabio, the chef. I’m preparing a course meal so I decided to make meals for me and employees. There are 3 people here, so I’ll make dishes for 3. I’ll make Poor man’s spaghetti today. I’ll use weipa instead of checkien broth.

    400 cc of water for 3 people. I’ll add15g of weipa into it. Then, I’ll put the pot on fire. Garlic is in season now, so I’ll use it today. 1 or 2 cloves of garlic/ 1 person (as you like) I’ll crush it first. Then, you can peel it easily.

    Garlic in season has less garlic germ than usual, so you don’t have to worry about it. You should cut only the root. The water with weipa is boiling so I’ll hold it. Then, I’ll add about 1% of salt into the boiling water. Heating up the garlic first. Olive oil.

    When the garlic starts to boil, you should turn the heat to very low. Like heating it slowly for about 5 min. Today, I’ll use 200g of Teflon type spaghettini for 3. I’ll boil it for 8 min.

    But, I’ll take the pasta out for 7 min because I want to soak it in the soup. As it’s going on, I’ll make fried eggs. I’ll turn off the heat if needed to keep boiling the garlic. I’ll make fried eggs here. Don’t worry about the details.

    I’ll put it onto the pasta so I prefer the fried eggs that are still runny to enjoy various tastes. Salt and pepper as you like. When they are getting runny, turn off the heat and cook it with the left-over heat. I’ll heat up the garlic again. It smells good.

    Crush the garlic if you like. I’ll crack eggs for the soup. You don’t have to stir them for now. The garlic smells good, so I’ll add the egges into it. I’ll turn up the heat and mix them vigorously. The scrambled egg is ready, then, I’ll add weipa into it.

    Look at this! It looks like egg soup, and it’s so delicious. This garlic and Umami of egg and weipa are so good. I turn off the heat for a while and the fried eggs are runny and look so good. I’ll put them onto the pasta. I’ll wait the pasta to be boiled.

    Today, I’m making large portion of pasta, so they soak the soup faster than usual. So, it’s important to boil shorter like 1 min before than usual. Good!! The pasta will be boiled soon so I’ll heat up the soup again. I’ll strain the pasta 1 min before than usual.

    I’ll turn up the heat and mix it with the soup. It’s important to heat up at last. I’ll soak the pasta into the soup for 30 sec, and add cheese. When you fry the pan, if you can see the soup water clearly, it’s still not OK. Adding your favorite cheese.

    I’ll arrange it on the plates. I’ll put the fried eggs onto the pasta finally. Sprinkling your favorite cheese as you like. Pepper if you like. Done cooking! Itadakimasu! Too hot lol It’s gentle taste and good. I used garlic in season so it smells milder than usual and eggs are also mild.

    Gochisousamadesu. Many people say this is not the saving pasta. That’s because there are a lot of nagative named pasta in Italy. Many people in Italy have an egg, cheese and garlic in their home, that’s why this is called Poor man’s spaghetti. Please leave a comment below. See you in the next video.










    材料 3人前
    スパゲッティーニ 300g(テフロン加工がおすすめ)
    ニンニク 3〜6かけ(その日の気分)
    黒胡椒 適量
    パルミジャーノレッジャーノ 適量
    卵 6個
    EXオリーブオイル 大6
    鶏出汁又はウェイパー(茹で汁で代用可能) 360cc


    【NEW】フライパンひとつで完成! 至福のおうちパスタ🆕

    【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
    → https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
    「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

    → https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
    「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

    → https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

    ◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101
    ◆TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdHy3Nou/
    ◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/


    #賄いパスタ #厨房風景 #貧乏人のパスタ #イタリア料理


    1. Never seen a pasta sauce with egg like this or a pasta served with an egg on top. Maybe in carbonara I guess there is egg. Very interesting video, I will have to try it. Thanks

    2. 外国の方含め色々な投稿者が書いてますが、イタリア料理に中華だしウェイパー(味覇、Uipa)を使う点が新鮮。そうか、旨味成分は世界共通なのだから、ラベルにこだわらず、西洋料理に昆布茶や味噌を使ったり、日本料理にトマト(味噌汁やオデンの具材にトマト)使ったり、美味しいからと、自由な発想、アイディアを駆使してるのだからと、勉強になります。XO醤やオイスターソース使ったら、今回のレシピも海鮮風になるのかな。シェフの動画を参考にいろいろ試してみます