【10/25朝ごはん LIVE】海老ピラフ、手羽元のオーブン焼き、ミルクチャウダー


【Today’s menu】
Shrimp pilaf, oven-baked chicken wings, milk chowder





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  1. 오늘 영상 재밌게 봤는데요 다만 이상한 댓글도 있으니 차단해주세요! 한국분이신데 일본인이 한국어 못 읽는다는 이유로 무자비로 악플을 쓰고 있습니다. 차단하시면 되요! 오늘도 하루 잘 보내세요! 도코맘님! 화이팅입니다!

  2. South Carolina here please bring the mornings back i don’t watch this one I love you and the children cooking meals means nothing to me I’m sorry . But love you 😘 and the children ❤

  3. 今日遅く起きたので(7時)見逃しました。どれも美味しいそう!絶対来週のお弁当にします。

  4. In the video was an issue with your microphone. Did you hear it too?
    Hopefully next video better.
    Are there more languages in cc to come?