
    Hello, my name is Kopi.
    This time I will make "cabbage-buchimgae" with spring cabbage and onion.
    Please refer to the description for detailed ingredient amounts.
    First, cut the cabbage into thick, thin slices
    You can use regular cabbage depending on the season!
    Next we slice the onion into thin slices
    You can use a regular onion here too!
    Chives are cut into 3-4 cm chunks
    Take a little off the bottom.
    Cut the carrots into small pieces
    Cut into thin slices
    We’re going to cut it thinner.
    Next, we make the sauce and the batter
    First we make the sauce
    Add seasoning A
    Mix well
    If you like it spicy, add a dash of flavor!
    Mix lightly and the sauce is ready!
    Next we make the batter
    First, you break the egg.
    Put in the granulated chicken broth.
    Mix well
    Then add all the flour
    Mix well
    After mixing to some extent
    Add water in two or three batches
    Mix without lumps
    It’s okay if there are almost no lumps
    It may feel a little loose, but it’s fine!
    Then add cabbage, chives, onions, carrots
    Mix to distribute the mixture
    Now all that’s left is to bake it
    A little bit more sesame oil.
    Turn on the fire
    Once it’s warmed up, put in the batter
    Flatten them.
    Pressing down or
    And shaking it so it doesn’t burn
    Grill over medium to high heat
    When it’s cooked to a certain degree, turn it over.
    I’m not good at flipping it over, so I use a plate
    I also hold it down the same way or
    I’m going to bake it while shaking it
    When it’s about done and hardened, add about two more spoonfuls of oil
    Bake them so that they are a little crispy
    When it’s done, turn it over again
    Bake the same way
    When both sides are nice and browned, it is done!
    It’s time to serve!
    Cut it into whatever shape you want!
    This time I’m going to cut it into a square shape!
    Now we’re ready to serve it on a plate!
    The key is to bake it while pressing it down!
    The sauce is delicious with the right sauce!


    Please relax and enjoy watching!


    00:00 はじまり
    00:33 食材を切る
    01:50 タレを作る
    02:33 タネを作る
    04:38 焼いていく
    06:52 完成!!


    春キャベツ 1/8個(100g)
    新たまねぎ 1/4個(60g)
    ニラ 1/2束(40g)
    にんじん 1/4本(40g)

    小麦粉 1カップ弱(100g)
    卵 1個

    顆粒鶏がら 小さじ1/2
    水 200ml

    A.しょうゆ 大さじ2
    A.お酢 大さじ1
    A.砂糖 小さじ1
    A.ごま油 小さじ1.5
    A.白ごま 小さじ1.5
    A.コチュジャン 小さじ1
    A.粉唐辛子 お好み



    100g cabbage
    60g onion
    40g garlic chive
    40g carrot

    100g wheat flour
    1 egg

    1/2tsp granulated chicken bones
    200ml water

    A.2tbsp soy sauce
    A.1tbsp vinegar
    A.1tsp sugar
    A.1.5tsp sesame oil
    A.1.5tsp white sesame seeds
    A.1tsp gochujang
    A.As much powdered chili pepper as you like





    lens:NOKTON 25mm F0.95 Type II

    Adobe Premiere Pro
    Adobe After effects


    #チヂミ #春キャベツ #新たまねぎ #asmr #こーぴ #料理

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