【チュニジア編】 簡単!卵とトマトのサッと煮「シャクシュカ」中東定番のパンのおかず|Tunisia|Shakshuka|

    today’s this dish is the shakshoka
    it’s a healthy dish
    made by vegetables and
    egg and when you come back from the
    work and you are very tired you can make
    it in few minutes
    in tunisia we eat shakshuka with a lot
    of bread
    so i will try a tunisian way
    so we go with the finger like this
    i see this i can add some harissa
    because i like it spicy
    i love harissa
    okay today i’m going to make the tunasan
    these are the ingredients which one
    going to make saksuka
    first we will take some olive oil and
    onion grated sweet pepper
    chili pepper some garlic
    some tomatoes and two eggs
    and cumin powder and parsley
    and some harissa after i will tell you
    how to make the harisha
    and homemade
    okay i’m going to make the saksuka now
    so first we make the
    solo fire here in the suspense and then
    i will add the
    oil so once this is start the
    oil hot we’re going to put the onion
    still we’ll switch a little few minutes
    okay now i am going to add some garlic
    just a few few second few minutes more
    take some flavor
    adding little bit the cumin powder
    just with this one few seconds
    then i will add my tomatoes
    when you with the diced tomatoes is
    quickly cooked so no need to
    take too much time but if you take the
    fresh tomatoes
    you take cook little bit more time
    okay now i will add my
    pepper sweet chilli and i
    will add the spicy chili here
    when saute the pepper then you can add
    the horizon little bit
    okay now i will add the arisa
    now i need to put the salt and
    black pepper to it and i’m going to try
    some black pepper
    so almost our sugar
    is done i will cook little bit water to
    cook our vegetables
    so you need to little bit water here
    the paper is almost done
    i will going to put the my egg
    make one egg here we need to give the
    space each egg so
    this will go cover few we need to cook
    the white egg
    is it take two three to five minutes
    depending on the
    your fire how strong
    lox should be running not cooked the
    white one
    need to cook but yellow should be
    so almost around maybe one minute more
    just cover one minute
    okay now the egg is almost set
    we’ll close the fire
    so now i’m going to
    make the each person
    the parsley will just be the decoration


    00:00 紹介ムービー



    トマト缶(カット) 200g
    玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 中1個
    ピーマン(みじん切り) 1個
    青唐辛子 1~2個
    ニンニク(みじん切り) 5片
    卵 2個
    ハリッサ 大さじ1 ※お好みで調整
    クミンパウダー 大さじ1/2
    塩 適量
    オリーブオイル 大さじ4
    パセリ(飾り用) 適量

    Ingredients for2:
    Canned tomatoes 200g
    1green pepper
    1~2Green chili
    1 tbs Harissa
    1 /2tbs Cumin powder 
    Salt as needed
    4 tbs Oliveoil
    Parsley as needed







    This video demonstrates how to make Shakshuka, a Tunisian dish made with vegetables and eggs, typically served with bread. The recipe includes ingredients such as onions, peppers, garlic, tomatoes, cumin powder, parsley, and harissa. The dish is quick and easy to make, perfect for a quick meal.

    [00:01]This section of the video shows the preparation of Shakshuka, a Tunisian dish made with vegetables and eggs, often eaten with bread.
    – The dish is described as healthy and quick to make.
    – The host adds harissa to make it spicy.
    – She mentions that in Tunisia, Shakshuka is commonly eaten with bread.

    [01:24]This section explains the ingredients and the initial steps of making Shakshuka.
    – The ingredients for Shakshuka include olive oil, onion, sweet pepper, chili pepper, garlic, tomatoes, eggs, cumin powder, parsley, and harissa.
    – The chef starts by heating the oil in a pan and sautéing the onion.
    – Garlic is added for additional flavor, followed by cumin powder.
    – The next step is to add the tomatoes.

    [03:01]The chef adds diced tomatoes, peppers, sweet chili, and spicy chili to the pan, seasons with salt and black pepper, and cooks it with a little bit of water before adding an egg.
    – Diced tomatoes are quickly cooked, fresh tomatoes take a bit more time.
    – Peppers are sautéed with a little bit of horizon.
    – Salt, black pepper, and some black pepper are added for seasoning.
    – A little bit of water is added to cook the vegetables.
    – An egg is added to the pan.

    [04:25]The video demonstrates how to cook Shakshuka, a Tunisian dish made with eggs and tomatoes.
    – Space each egg apart in the pan.
    – Cook the eggs until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny.
    – Garnish with parsley for decoration.


    1. 関係ないけど、パランパン♪パランパン♪が、メロンパンに聞こえる😄食いしん坊でごめんなさい😖

    2. ずっと2年くらい前にもネットでこのお料理を知ってから食べてみたくて、やっと作る決意を✊
