野菜かき揚げの作り方!おうちで簡単お店の仕上がり!失敗なしでサクサクに仕上げつコツをご紹介!年越しそばのトッピングに!-How to make Vegetable Tempura-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made kakiage. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make kakiage. I will show you how to make the most basic kakiage and how to avoid a sticky finish, as well as tips on how to deep fry them. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy it all the way through. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start with the ingredients for kakiage. Here are the ingredients. Onions, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, green onions, mitsuba leaves, peeled shrimp, and ingredients are here. First of all, I will use frozen peeled shrimp for this dish. Can use regular peeled shrimp or regular shrimp even if they are not frozen. Use whatever you like. And you can add any other ingredients you like. Now let’s move on to the ingredients for the batter. Here are the ingredients. I will use flour, water, cooking sake, mayonnaise, and oil for frying. First of all, for the batter, we will add cooking sake and mayonnaise. Adding these two things will make it very crispy. There are some key points to the recipe, which will be introduced later. I will now introduce the ingredients for tenyutsu. Here are the ingredients. Here are the ingredients: water, soy sauce, mirin, and dashi stock. As for the base of dashi, we will use bonito dashi stock here. If you are making your own dashi stock, try substituting water for the dashi stock without the dashi stock. I will immediately make it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First of all, I will thaw frozen peeled shrimp. Fill a bowl with water and add about a teaspoon of salt here. This is outside the quantity. I think the amount of water should be roughly 200 ml. Then mix well. Combine salt well. When thawing frozen shrimp, thaw in salt water to prevent shrinkage and make the shrimp plump. Now put the frozen shrimp in here. And let it thaw out like this. I think it depends on the season, but I think it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to thaw. Now let’s continue to make the batter until halfway through. The water in the batter should be kept cold so that it can be crisped more easily. Now let’s make it. First of all, mayonnaise. After you add this and the mayonnaise, add a little cooking sake. Then mix thoroughly so that the mayonnaise does not become lumpy. When it becomes loose like this, add some more. Then mix well. When it is about as shabby as cooking liquor, add all the remaining cooking liquor. Then mix well. This way, you can prevent the mayonnaise from becoming lumpy by blending it with the cooking sake a little at a time. Then add water. And mix well. If it mixes well, it is OK. Then wrap this in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. I want to add the flour just before we use it. As for the flour here, please wrap it up and refrigerate it together as well. Now let’s continue to make tenyutsu. First, add water, mirin, and dashi stock to a small pot. Now put on heat. Heat is medium. Bring to a boil once at this point. Add the soy sauce later, as boiling changes the flavor of the soy sauce. Heat while stirring occasionally. Boiling. Once it boils, let it boil like this for about 15 seconds. Then skip the alcohol in the mirin. After 15 seconds of this, turn off the heat and add soy sauce. Now mix it in. Tentsuyu is now complete. Please take off the heat and let it cool down. Now I will cut the ingredients. First of all, I have onions. This one is cut along the fiber, roughly 7 mm wide. A little thinner than 1 cm. And cut off the core. And when you’re done cutting, let it crisp up a little bit. The onions are now ok. Next, I cut the green onions. Here is the whitish part and then try to add a little bit of blue. This will improve the coloring. Then first cut a slit in the upper part here and spread it out like this. Now I will cut this one into small pieces. Cut this into small pieces like this. Put the cut pieces into the bowl as you go. It looks like this. Then I’ll cut the white part in half first, remove this center part once, and cut this surrounding part into small pieces. If it is a little long, cut it at an angle. Cut this one in the same way. Cut the surface area like this. Cut this center section diagonally in the same way. This is ok. Next, I have shiitake mushrooms. This one should be cut off the shaft first. Then cut it into thin slices. Cut this one roughly 5 mm wide. The tip of the shaft is dry and a bit hard, so cut off that part and cut the rest into thin strips. The shiitake mushrooms are now ready to use. Cut the rest the same way. Now, let’s continue with the carrots. Let’s peel this one first. And then after you peel it, cut it into thin slices. Be careful not to injure your hands at this time. Once you have cut it into thin slices, you can then cut it into smaller pieces. The carrots are now ok. And then the mitsuba leaves. Cut off the base of this one first. There is a lot of soil left at the base of this plant, so please wash this one thoroughly after cutting it. Then wipe off the water. Then cut off this leafy part first. It can be easily removed by hand, so you can do it by hand. Separate this stem part from the leaf part. Then it’s this stem part. Let’s cut this one roughly 2-3 cm wide. Cut the stem like this. Next, the leaves. This is cut into chunks. This is not necessary to cut into small pieces. Cut the leaves like this. Then the shrimp. Please rinse them once because they are already thawed. And after rinsing, wipe off the water thoroughly with paper. If there is any back wattle, cut a slit in the back and remove it with a toothpick. Then, after removing it, cut it into pieces about 1 cm wide. I used a little bit less shrimp today, but you can use a little bit more. Easy recipes at home Now the ingredients are ready. Then let’s mix these ingredients well once. Mix them like this. Then sprinkle flour here. And then, mix the whole thing well with the flour. This will make the batter less likely to flake off. Make sure to smear it well so that it goes around the entire ingredient. The ingredients are now ready. Now let’s finish the batter. Remove the plastic wrap. Then first add 1/3 of the flour. Then mix roughly like this. This will suppress the gluten in the flour and make it easier to get a crispy finish without being sticky. When roughly blended, add another 1/3 of the mixture. Mix about 3 times. Add again. Last. This will blend roughly like this. This is the image of blending rather than mixing. It’s already about this much. There’s just a little bit of dama-dama left. Finish it up about this much. Then, now we’re going to fry them, but it’s better to coat the ingredients for this kakiage one by one so that the extra batter doesn’t stick to them and they become crispier. Well, the size is up to you. And here is the batter. That’s the image of pouring it on. And let’s mix it. Well, about 1-2 tablespoons, I think. 0:10:10:10.499,0:10:15.562 Sprinkle enough to coat the entire surface. Easy recipes at home Now I will fry them in oil. Prepare about 1.5 cm of oil from the bottom of the pan. Then put it on the heat. This time going to fry them at about 170 degrees Celsius, so I heat the oil once until it reaches about 170 degrees Celsius. Now that the oil has reached the proper temperature, it is time to fry. The standard is that when the batter is dropped, it takes about 1 second for the batter to rise to the top. If it is at that level, it is OK. The key to frying is once you put the ingredients in, use chopsticks to spread the ingredients all over the pan. And then after scattering, I use a net like this and the edge of the pan to shape it. Now let’s do it. First, please put the ingredients in this at once. Then use chopsticks to scatter them around to let the air in. After scattering, use the net and chopsticks to gather the ingredients. The rest is shaped using the edges of the pan. Be careful not to burn yourself because this steam is a bit hot. Pull it over like this. This way, the oil gets inside of the kakiage and makes the whole dish very crispy. After about a minute or so, it starts to firm up a little bit, so when it’s nice and firm, just pull it together with chopsticks. Then you can finish it without any variation. After that, you can do it this way, successfully using chopsticks and a net. If you use the back side of this net, your hands will be a little further away from the net, so it will be less likely to get hot. Try rolling it around a little bit like this. It’s an image of holding it down a little bit. When you think the shape is in order, let’s fry it by fixing it like this. When the shape is ready, please turn it over. Have ho. Then fry one side again. When you flip it over, it tends to get a little loose, so hold it down with chopsticks a little bit and fry it. Fry until both sides are crispy. I think it is good to deep fry for about 3-4 minutes in total. OK. Turns off the fire. The whole thing is now crispy like this. Then I take this out. When you drain the oil, if you stand it up like this, the part that adheres to the bottom part here will be reduced and it will be less sticky. So when you drain the oil, try standing it up a little bit to drain the oil. I’m going to tell you a little bit more about this earlier, but I’m going to give you some pointers on how to use this net. I was using the inside of the net to pull it in, but this way your hands are on the oil and it gets a little hot, so I’m going to show you how to use the back side of the net to pull it in so your hands don’t get hot. Okay, first of all, I’m going to put it in here. Once you put it in, you scatter it. This is the same as before. Well, after about 5-10 seconds of scattering, I’m going to use the inside of this one to pull it in. I use chopsticks for the rest. This prevents your hands from coming in contact with the oil, thus preventing it from getting hot. Now try frying them like this, using chopsticks and the back side while turning them around. Note that it is quite hot if you try to do it inside like this, as I did earlier. The fish is now nicely fried. Now let’s fry the rest in the same way. All the kakiage have finished rising. Three kakiage of about 10 cm in diameter were made this time. The thickness of the kakiage is about 1cm. This is a rough guide. Now let the oil drain off for 3 minutes at this point. Easy recipes at home This is the completion of the shaved tofu. This is how it turned out. As you can see, the center and the rest of the image are very crisp. The reverse side also has a crisp finish. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Now I would like to dip it in tentsuyu. Let’s eat. The whole kakiage is crispy inside. Delicious. Onions are very sweet too. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It finished deliciously today. This is the point of this time’s shaved rice. First of all, as for the ingredients, you can make this one with whatever you like. First, as for the batter, here is the point about the batter. I added mayonnaise in the batter this time. The addition of this mayonnaise makes it very crispy. And when you make it, first of all, add a little bit of cooking sake to the mayonnaise and spread it out. If you add the cooking sake all at once, the mayonnaise will become lumpy. And then after that, mix thoroughly and then add the water and then mix it with the flour and refrigerate it until you’re ready to use it. This will help the batter become more crispy. As for the flour, add it in three parts just before battering. If you add too much flour, the batter will be too thick, so try adding it a little at a time. Cut the ingredients into pieces and sprinkle the flour over all the ingredients. This will make it easier for the batter to adhere. I’m using green onions this time, but I’m also adding a little bit of the green part. I think it makes it more colorful. And the key to the batter is to put only one batch of ingredients in a small bowl and add 1-2 tablespoons of batter and blend it in. This will prevent the batter from being overdone and will help to make the product crispy. And here is the key to frying. I think this is the most important point, but first put the battered ingredients in the pan. And as soon as you put it in, scatter the ingredients with chopsticks or something. This will spread the oil over all the ingredients and make it crispy. Then use a scooping net, chopsticks, and the edges of the pan to shape the dough. The first time I did this, I used the front side of the scooping net, but if you do that, your hands will be on top of the oil and it will be very hot, so if you use the back side of the scooping net, your hands will be on the outside of the pan and it will be easier to do. Just be careful when frying to avoid oil splashes and burns. When the shape of the dumplings is not broken when you remove the chopsticks, flip the dumplings over. The rest of the time, fry them until both sides are crispy. I made three portions of this recipe, but the size of the portions will vary. This time I’m making a 10cm diameter and about 1cm thick. You can do this size and thickness to your liking. And when you drain the oil, if you stand it up, the oil is less likely to accumulate, so when you drain the oil, stand it up on the edge of the pan. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made kakiage. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make vegetable kakiage. Easy shop completion at home! Here are some tips to make it crispy without making any mistakes. It is also recommended as a topping for Toshikoshi soba. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・しいたけ 2個
・にんじん 30g
・長ネギ 30g
・三つ葉 1/4束
・冷凍むきえび 40g
・薄力粉 大さじ1.5 / 50g
・水 60ml
・料理酒 20ml
・マヨネーズ 大さじ1
・揚げ油 適量

・水 100ml
・醤油 大さじ1/2
・みりん 大さじ1
・だしの素 小さじ1/2

・1/2 Onion
・2 Shiitake mushrooms
・30g Carrots
・30g Green onion
・1/4 bunch Mitsuba leaves
・40g Frozen peeled shrimp
・ 1.5 tbsp / 50g Cake flour
・60ml Water
・20ml Cooking sake
・1 tbsp Mayonnaise
・Frying oil

・100ml Water
・1/2 tbsp Soy sauce
・1 tbsp Mirin
・1/2 tsp Dashi stock







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#かき揚げ #天ぷら #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 大晦日の夜人生初のかき揚げこの通りにつくりました!

  2. かき揚げは難しいです😓脂が少ないとサクサクにならないですよねぇ💦

  3. 揚げるときのテクニックがポイントですね☺️

  4. 先生が教えた通りにやりました。
    ありがとうm(_ _)m。

  5. 素晴らしいです✨かき揚げ、たまに作るのですが、なかなかうまくいかなくて、バラバラになったりして😅

  6. つくってみました

  7. 何度も繰り返しかき揚げの動画見ましたが、さすが先生ですね。

  8. 決まりました、私の挑戦するメニュ~が、本当にかき揚げには、泣きました、何度挑戦しても、上手くて来ません、衣の加減、温度寄せ方、本当に苦手でした、チェンジですー、有り難う御座います

  9. ☺いやぁ~コツを詳しく説明されててわかりやすい~マヨネーズ 散らす 網の使い方😋勉強になりまーす、挑戦してみます~ありがとうございます。😀

  10. このような調理方法があるのは初めて知りました。家かきあげは何度か作っていますが中心に熱が入らない+油温が下がる+油の処理が大変=やりたくない、でした。学生時代に料理店でてんぷらやってましたが家かきあげはあきらめていましたが今回の動画をご参考させて頂き再度チャレンジしてみる気になりました。私は具には細切りスルメ、緑色にはインゲンを使っています。

  11. 本編をざっと見たあと概要欄のレシピを見ながら作りましたが粉を溶いた液が薄すぎて全然固まらないでバラバラで失敗しました