
Hello. My name is Yoko Suzuki. I finished my morning errands and went out for a walk. There was a heavy thunderstorm last night, so I came here again because I was worried. It’s like being a farmer. The crops that have been handed down are important like family. The scenery of rice fields filled with such love spreads out. I’m just looking at it like this, but it’s very soothing. Recently, the heat wave continued and I was exhausted. Sweating exhausts your energy. It’s very cool and pleasant today. It’s the second day of the "1 week 2000 yen life" that started to come up. Today’s breakfast is natto, radish and wakame miso soup. Natto with rice and miso soup is a standard breakfast item. It’s a taste that you won’t get tired of eating every day. I made radish skin and carrot kinpira. I’ve been throwing it away until now, but I’ve increased one item. Lunch is left over from the previous day. Chikuzen-ni, which uses deep-fried tofu and has a great texture, was very delicious with a strong taste. I see all the comments. I am grateful to all of you for being my professors. Well, today is special. I would like to introduce the area around the kitchen that many of you have requested in your comments. It’s embarrassing because it’s not organized. It’s just left there. The drawer of the sink looks like this and there is no big thing in it. A long time ago, I used to take milk, so there is something like this. I can’t throw it away, and I’m in trouble. There was a rusty can opener. When will I use it in the future? fault. The kitchen door is broken. Old kitchens have to be replaced with new units. The building is old, requires large-scale repairs, and is too costly. But other parts have been fixed. My son used to fix it, but it broke again. It doesn’t matter if you replace the hardware. No, it’s impossible. By the way, it seems that the landlord was hospitalized at an old age. No one comes, it’s an old apartment, oh well. From a distance, they look fine, but they are all old. It’s the same with old apartments, but if you don’t buy things for a long time, you’ll live like this. Even if I say so myself, it feels like I’ve slipped back in time to the Showa era. I was sweating so I took a shower. When I dried my hair with a hair dryer, I started sweating again. What shall we make for dinner today? My eyes flicker when I’m thinking about making dinner. I think the fluorescent lights are out. This is what happens when you decide to save money. I’m in trouble when it gets dark. I’m here. But I’m glad it didn’t happen all of a sudden. In that sense, thank you for letting me know. I pick myself up and get down to dinner. I have a part-time job tomorrow. Would you like to make a bento while thinking a little about it? I have a lot of carrot green peppers, so I’m going to make carrot and green pepper kinpira. It’s easy to make and delicious, isn’t it? However, I noticed it while cutting vegetables. I haven’t eaten eggs today. Strategy change! I took one egg out of the refrigerator and broke it open, and it turned out to be a cute twin egg. Have you ever eaten twin eggs? I have very few. You feel like you hit the lottery. It’s an omen of good luck. The kinpira is fried with an egg, making it a beautifully colorful dish. It looks very delicious with volume up ♪ Next, I will make an onion salad. I started eating onions raw when I learned that they make the blood smoother. Serve with ponzu sauce. I don’t have ponzu so I’ll make it. It’s a secret, but all you have to do is add mentsuyu and vinegar. Please use seasonings in moderation. For today’s main dish, I’m going to make "Chicken cutlet". It was cheaper than chicken breast at the neighborhood supermarket. Please see the previous video "1 week 2000 yen life (3 meals a day) start" for the amount of shopping. The meat is perishable, so wrap each piece in plastic wrap and freeze the rest. Thinking about tomorrow, I use 4 scissors. So, I don’t take the tendon of scissors. If you fry it in oil and make it into a fillet cutlet, you won’t mind it at all. It’s true ♪ Put the whole chicken fillet in a suitable plastic bag, add a little salt and pepper, potato starch, and rub the bag together. Oh, when I thought I couldn’t scoop up the potato starch, I was using the spoon upside down. Don Mai. fir fir I love working like this. It’s easy and quick. Above all, I am happy that there is no washing up. As a result, you will save money. I should have saved some of the twin eggs from earlier. It was a little disappointing. I used a small amount of the egg mixture for the chicken fillet and added the rest to the egg stir-fry. The result is all right. So today I used 2 eggs. The egg acts as a glue, so the batter sticks well and is delicious. I’ve used water instead of egg wash before to save money. When fried in a frying pan, the oil splashed and the clothes were scattered. Water and oil are incompatible, so it’s going to be a big deal. Eggs are important in fried foods. As you can imagine, it was a good experience. The chicken cutlet is ready. I think I’ll use half of it for tomorrow’s lunch. What kind of rice do you eat? I eat only white rice. If you freeze rice, you can always enjoy freshly cooked rice. Warm up the miso soup in the morning and the dinner is complete. Freshly fried scissors cutlet is seasoned. It’s crispy and delicious. Otafuku sauce that goes well with anything is the best, although it is not a business project. I will eat slowly. Finally, today, the second day of my frugal life, I have two points to reflect on. The first point to reflect on is that it is good to leave the egg liquid for the chicken cutlet. Second, the meat was not thoroughly breaded before frying. What do you think, guys. I fried the chicken mixed in the plastic bag as it was. I think it would have been better if I had pressed it tightly so that the clothes would not come off easily. And there are two good things about today. The first was that the electricity in the sink did not go out. You can’t cook dinner when it gets dark. I will go buy a new fluorescent lamp as soon as possible. Another good thing, you know. That’s right, I met a twin egg. I was surprised because it is rare. Have you had a similar experience? If you like this video, please rate it, click the good button, and subscribe to the channel. It’s encouraging. Thank you very much for watching until the end.





・千葉(日本)で、家賃 40,000円の賃貸住宅で1人暮らし


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  1. よう子さんお疲れ様です😌

  2. ササミのカツ、美味しそう😊




  3. ボンジュール!宇宙人のジョンです!つい最近知ったことは、台所の開きトビラの、左側のトビラが、単独で開けられるってこと!昔のトビラは、右を開けないと、左が開けられんかった!そうと知っても、長年の習慣で、右のトビラをスコッチ開けてから、左のトビラを開けてしまうのだーよ!

  4. はじめまして

  5. お疲れ様です。


  6. ようこさんの楽しみに見てます😊

  7. 台所は私もそうですが捨てられない昭和の調理器具やお皿が散乱してますよ。農家なので台所は広いけど物置き場です。^o^

  8. こんばんわ✨ コメント昼(前回分) 本日2度目の夜コメ😉 ようこさんのキッチンが身近に感じて
    おっ 三食バランスバッチリ❗ ささ身かつ、美味しそうな音が聞こえそう。

  9. よう子さんのキッチン、道具もいっぱいで親しみが持てました。

  10. ようこさんこんばんは⭐

  11. うちのキッチンも、家自体が築30年なので古いですよ〜😂いろいろ壊れてる箇所が多いです😖よう子さんは、1週間で食費2千円でやりくりするなんてすごいですね✨私は1人暮らしだとしても絶対出来ないです🙅‍♀️大した物は食べてないんだけど、無添加、国産の物にこだわってるからだと思います。人それぞれだから仕方ないですよね😅家庭菜園の野菜は全て無農薬無化学肥料で作っていますが、2人家族なので余ってしまって、よう子さんが近くに住んでいたら持って行きたいくらいです🫑🥒よう子さんなら粗末にしないでしっかり調理に使ってくれそう…😊

  12. よう子さん、更新有難うございます

  13. こんにちわ🎵

  14. お一人様でも🌿きちんと計画的に







  15. いつもテキパキと小気味よく料理してあっと言う間に完成してるのには驚きです😃

  16. 初めまして いつも楽しく拝見させて頂いてます。
    私の経験ですと1パックに双子の卵があった時は、同じパックに幾つか双子の卵が入ってる場合が多いですが いかがでしたか?

  17. こんにちは、何時も拝見さしてもらってます。ささみの揚げ物、一つの袋で行程を済ませ揚げているのが参考になりました。此れからも参考にさしてもらいます。残暑がまだ続きますね。御自愛ください。

  18. 昭和感がある調理道具でも使えるうちは使った方が良いです。新しい物を買っても使い慣れた方が使い勝手も良く、エコ生活です。綺麗に片付けられているキッチン、清潔感があり本当にステキですね。

  19. ようこさん、いつも楽しみにしています。

  20. お久しぶりに拝見してます😊