【大食い】寿司を握って食べる 総重量約6.5㎏~ウニ・カニ・その他魚卵たち~

    hello I’m Taniyan so first the cooking part of this video is going to be very long I thought the "cooking part" of this video would get pretty long there have been voices here and there saying it’s good the "cooking part" is long so I’ve considered 20 mins to be a good length with that being said… you will most likely get pretty tired if you watched this in one go since this time it is a video on using the materials I bought from Hokkaido then the making and eating of the dish we will be going with this schedule here so that you can find the section you would like to watch and calibrate using the shift bar or something that… red round dot… I hope everyone will enjoy the video in their own way and this time there are some clips on the Hokkaido trip in the beginning so let’s start from there Please enjoy and we have arrived at Hokkaido It’s now 8:30 am the next morning I am heading towards the NiJyo Market Let’s meet again in 2 seconds this looks good looks like definitely made in Hokkaido I’ll get 2 Matsumae pickles cooking Start ah Hokkaido was so much fun I am now back in Fukuoka and here are the goodies I brought back Matsumae pickles Ikura (salmon roe) Uni (sea urchin) and live red king crab actually it managed to survive until this morning and passed away just now… Itadakimasu 4 items here that I bought back from Hokkaido though it’s a bit earlier it’s not long before the season of Ehomaki (sushi roll eaten during setsubun) the destiny of a YouTuber who has the gap between filming and release with this not Hutomaki (rolling something thickly) make a lot of battleship roll sushi actually I’ll make one Hutomaki though today’s main section is handling the red king crab all I need to do for the others is just to dish up let’s cook the red king crab I wanna talk before handling unlike snow crab red king crabs have spines like this your hand hearts if you did by bare hands you’d better wear gloves 3 kg I’m not so familiar with it tell you how to choose good one cut out the clip of the explanation because of long cooking time the explanation in description how to cook is making sashimi over here and steam the part of legs, trunk and scissors cut for sashimi first I cut wrong place the place I should have cut was this joint that’s done the joint cutting next is here I will steam the tip of the feet later and pick the crab meat and the joint I left before because of my mistake cut from the body side to the tip of the feet by a kitchen scissors since the crab meat in the joint sticks tightly I cut first pick the meat forward to the tip by fingers now like this cut the membrane of both side of the tip cut the other side too pull the joint the meat is very thick removing the red membrane which has harshness it is easier to eat soak them into the ice water for 5 minutes when they get clean dish them up keep it in a refrigerator I’ll steam the trunk, the legs and the claws regarding crab’s miso though crab miso of snow crabs and hair crabs is good red king crabs’ and blue king crabs’ miso is not rally good in my case I steam it together though if you don’t like it cut the link in the gap between shell and stomach by kitchen scissors you can remove the miso by picking it up by spoon or taking it out by running water I talked too much as it’s too big it can’t be in the pan the thing I use in this kind of situation is stockpot water : sake = 1:1 I recommend steaming with sake rather than steamed with only water set the steamer the reverse side up in the steamer hot!! cover up the pot will take out the legs in 20 minutes the head and trunk in 30 minutes after 20 minutes (meanwhile it would be comfortable to clean up the kitchen take out the leg first cover up again wait more take all out of the pot it’s hot wait until it gets skin-warm the leg already got warm let’s pick the meat looks so good as it gets such a boring work see you in 10 minutes after 10 minutes this is the meat I picked from the legs and the claws and they are the shells this is the shell whose meat has been picked for sashimi I’ll handle the trunk the stomach and the body are stuck with a thin skin cut by a scissors I removed the stomach one leg of the red king crabs is in the body it can’t be eaten though hold the shell pick up the body this is the gill of the crab which is frill called Gani remove all of them as it holds microorganisms easily throw it away in a trash can remove the mouth part split it into half split it into half again cutting like this is unstable cut in 2 process this way is stable cutting by scissors is also stable I just need to take out the meat they are deffinitely good the time to take it out after 5 minutes I got that much I’ll use it later the stomach basiclly has the meat but this crab doesn’t and is flat why? I have no idea the head has little miso so this time I’ll throw them away there are such many shells I’ll make miso soup as it is wasting grill the shells with a direct fire turn them over take them out as it was noisy, I didn’t film the scene which I broke finely to get more broth make it short time add water sake one turn the scum rises a lot remove the scum carefully especially dark one after boiling, turning to milder middle heat for 10 minutes I think it can be extracted after 20 minutes in the end filter with a bleached cotton trying there isn’t crab’s flavor in it I grilled the shells too much smells burnt I can’t help it anymore add what ingredient you like turn off the heat once it boils melt miso in there miso soup boiled with the crab is done I use some of the meat for rolling somethig thickly called Futomaki I use crab miso for the some of them making battleship roll sushi looks so good this is a row crab miso which costs 1,000 yen for one this is much more expensive than the others I bought it as I was curious trying is so good this is really good that is almost as same as snow crab’s miso add the crab miso mixing the time to make sushi making vinegared rice firsrt warm rice freshly cooked the vinegar that I use this time is, if it were usual, I make my own vinegar, as I don’t wanna lose the taste of Hokkaido, the expensive vinegar which I bought put it according to proper quantity mixing like cutting approach it to the edge after mixing break into small pieces with the wall make it thin and blend the vinegar it is often seen to fan wit a round fan not to make it cold but to extract water when there is much rice, it is better to fan but you don’t need to do that like this quantity you don’t need to hurry your hand gets tired approach to the edge cover with a dish cloth wrung all prepared making Futomaki at first the ingredients for Futomaki there is no vegetables all seafood 7 items, a sign of good luck leave Matsumae pickles, salted slmon roe, flying fish one and the crab meat as they are cut salmon and tuna I’ll wash sea urchin as it might include its shells which heart the inside of mouth let’s do them salmon, tuna I’ll make nigiri sushi using the extra part of the salmon and the tuna sea urchin add salt in the cold water about 3 % put draining basket put the sea urchin on it shaking can you watch it? they are sea urchin’s shells as you can see right here more than I expected in case the shells stick to it you should look over though it takes long prepared I’ll roll smooth side of the nori down nori is rectangle either way is fine the case you make thickly or have many ingredients this way the case you make thin and long this way I just knew it put Shari on it make space 1 cm to the edge let’s put the ingredients flying fish roe the crab meat salmon tuna sea urchin and salted salmon roe matsumae pickles I haven’t rolled for a while lower side to the upper rice edge grip it roll it done made it thin I didn’t wanna destroy it make nigiri sushi prepare salmon and tuna salmon let’s make it I’m not so good at it though water and vinegar 1:1 put it on hands I’m not playing clapping makes it spread over hands hold Shari on the right hand hold Neta on left hand put wasabi on it put Shari on Neta press softly by the thumb turn it over form it then is complete this is called Kotegaeshi turn it over grab softly by three fingers touch by thumb 1 or 2 finger on Shari I’m not so good at it done the nori I uses for Futomaki the vertical is longer, the side is shorter cutting into 2 pieces the size is gonna to be for hand rolled sushi cut it into 3 vertically this is the size for little bigger battleship roll sushi when you make the size for kids or women cut 2 times for obi of egg sushi then cut into 3 pieces it is convenient if you remember let’s make battleship roll sushi which is easy make Shari put it on the chopping board roll by nori press the middle of it it’ll look better put ingredients on it at last repeat this process see you in dozens of minutes salted salmon roe battleship roll sushi done I’ll make 4 type of sushi left I stuttered crab miso matsumae ppickles flying fish roe sea urchin what a wonderful sushi I’ll repeat this process till the plate is full of them see you in an hour after 2 hours the second time to say my true feelings was so tough last times was as hard as this time I did well cooking finished so seafood (from Hokkaido) full course meal is done let’s eat full of sushi Futomake which was actually main goes to the side crab meat which was main ingredient can’t be see in a frame it can be 3 videos as you can see looks like making for coming of age ceremony in Japan let me wear my cap though it is not good manner I’m eating Itadakimasu I’m sleepy I’m disappointed Sapporo beer is out of stock as Ehomaki’s direction of this year is east-northeast this direction in here I won’t say anything till I finish to eat it since cooking time was so long eating time is gonna be shorter no cutting out the scene till it all comes in my mouth so good the texture was of flying fish roe and herring roe the taste was almost sea urchin and little salted salmon roe which are my favorite seafood so good next is salmon I made earlier put sashimi soy sauce so good by far better than ones I made 2 years ago I improved I love salmon medium fatty tuna good I’ll eat salted salmon roe too good to say anything really good I made 2 videos in which I got ingredients from Hokkaido I used same salted salmon roe as that time as It was good I bought from same store this time basically packed salted salmon roe contains more salt so I make salted salmon roe on my own as I like sweet one but ones from the store are sweet it sure contains salt though I like it I’ll eat salon and salted salmon roe at the same time It’s like parent and child embrace each other reencounter of the impression next is sea urchin decided this one look at it looks so good so good this time the sea urchin is better than the salted salmon roe it is totally good the best one I should’ve bought it more I want those who don’t like sea urchin to eat this you would change your mind the salted salmon roe finished the impermanence of worldly things I’ll eat the crab sashimi next so good very soft it doesn’t stay in my mouth as I removed the red skin going to the end of the throat quickly it was good that I went to Hokkaido next is the crab miso so good it’s not one boiled and frozen but row one soon after boiling so the meat is very fluffy and black canned crab miso is so good I could meet great one eating forever it might be childish saying I like flying fish roe but I love it getting few time for the last spurt I’ll switch the drink to the hot tea as I will have to drive next morning hot get more miso soup I brought extra flying fish roe I’ll put on my last spurt Gochisosamadeshita was so good thanks for Hokkaido even though I think this video would be so long thank you all who is watching till now you got tired don’t you? from last year I go to Hokkaido and buy something this season as I love Hokkaido I look up the rent in Hokkaido in my free time I won’t live there actually the longer I talk, the longer the video would be time to end see you



























    『(株)キューブエンターテイメント マネジメント事業部』 まで

    (株)キューブエンターテイメントマネジメント事業部 谷崎宛


    1. 上手くなくても、最終的に旨ければ何でもよかろうなのだぁ!(流石にぐちゃぐちゃはどうかと思うけど)

    2. お寿司屋さんで、女性の方なのでシャリ小さめにしました✨ってされるのすごく嫌…食い意地張ってるので笑