
    Welcome back Johnson. My life these days is a repeat of working, feeding medaka, observing medaka, and reading novels piled up in my home. In other words, as usual. Still, I was eating out a lot recently. It’s rare for me since my communication skills lack,

    Yet one long autumn night, I dropped by an Italian restaurant in Jinbo-cho with my friend, and the restaurant’s bolognese pasta was very delicious. I craved to make the pasta at home. I love cooking in my kitchen afterall. May be this is my inherent personality. Let’s just start to cook.

    First, cut onion, carrot and celery, which are aromatic vegetable trio. Bolognese pasta comes from Bologna in Italy, which is an inland city relatively, so it uses plenty of meat and vegetables. I believe the taste is similar to meat sauce soft noodles in elementary school lunch which everyone has enjoyed.

    I forgot to mention this. I recommend to put garlic for those who doesn’t mind having bad breathes or anyone who already has bad breathes. It makes the pasta more savoury smell. I use olive oil about 50ml. Don’t be stingy, use plenty.

    This time I will stir-fry more than usual to make veges charred so the taste gets rich. Next, meat seasoned with salt and pepper. I use both roughly ground meat and finely ground meat this time. Stir-fry with patience until the clouded juice becomes translucent. Once meat is slightly bunt, take excess oil.

    Mix fresh tomato and whole tomato sauce, put it in Vitamix and wait until it becomes liquid. Red wine is as usual, I use Valdemonte, which is known for its reasonable price. Put stir-fried vegetables and meat together in a pot, and add red wine. Once water gets vaporized, put tomato sauce.

    If you prefer an acquired taste, put less sauce. Add bay leaf, bouillon cube, sugar, demi-glace sauce and extra red wine to adjust the taste. When the colour of sauce becomes dark, and the flavour sets in, it’s done. Let’s eat. Mmmh, it’s delicious. Mmmmh.. This is awesome. Mmmh! This is awesome. Delicious.







    1. ミートソースは挽肉で作るビーフシチュー

    2. 最近ボロネーゼにコンソメキューブを解禁してレシピ完成だなと思ってたんだけど、デミグラスソースはズルすぎる。美味いに決まってるじゃん…やってみるか…

    3. 綿を茹でる鍋が圧力鍋だったから、どういう茹で方するんだろうとドキドキしたら普通だった(´・ω・`)

    4. 字幕ありで見返してたら缶を置いたときにあうっ、蓋をしてえぇっ って書かれてて死ぬほど笑ったw

    5. 本棚がうらやまし過ぎて泣けてきた。