
Hi, I’m Chef Fabio. We’re taking a deep dive into carbonara today. Let’s start with a type of carbonara made with half egg yolk and half whole egg. The egg whites make the sauce thicker, so it’s a carbonara that Japanese people like.

The key is to mix well. If it is not mixed well, the sauce will be uneven. So, remember, mix well. Like this Today I will use pancetta, which is easy to get a hold of. In Italy, the traditional method is to use salted cheek meat called “guanciale”.

I think any processed pork will be fine, so feel free to make it with your favorite. Of course bacon is fine too. The pasta we’re using today is 1.7mm Teflon-type spaghettini. After this, we will add the boiling water to the sauce, so we will boil it for 8 minutes in 1% pasta water.

Originally, carbonara is said to be one of the three major pastas of Rome, Italy, and it means “charcoal burner”. The main theory is that it is derived from the fact that charcoal powder spills onto the pasta while the chef is cooking.

It’s a pasta made with simple ingredients: Pecorino Romano cheese, black pepper, guanciale, and eggs. Locally, it is often served with spaghetti or tonnarelli rigatoni. First, stir-fry the pancetta until it is crispy and add coarsely grated black pepper to the oil to give it a nice aroma.

Remove half of the pancetta for the final topping. Add about 100cc of the boiling water here, and turn off the heat until it is finished boiling. Then add the hot noodles and take them out of the water 30 seconds before the time on the label says to let the pasta absorb the sauce.

For carbonara, the temperature range of the egg added here is very important, and it will be good if you add the egg between about 60 degrees and 70 degrees C. If the temperature is too low, it will become watery, and if it exceeds 70 degrees, it will turn into scrambled eggs.

When the steam rises and cools down, add the egg mixture all at once. Then turn off the heat and mix quickly. The eggs will solidify nicely, so add cheese, then “mantecare” or “gently mix to incorporate”. It’s looking quite nice! It is best to use half Parmigiano Reggiano and half Pecorino Romano cheese.

It’s really nice to see the steam still rising when they’re put together. Now to serve It is said that carbonara is quite good when the sauce does not solidify even when cold. Enjoy the aroma that rises with the steam when you put black pepper on it when it is still hot.

And top with crunchy pancetta Add a little Parmigiano and enjoy the aroma! It looks awesome! Our second carbonara is mixed in a bowl. This recipe was inspired by Chef Koji Kobayashi, whom I have great respect for. The distinction of this recipe is that it contains garlic.

Adding garlic gives it a punch, making it very delicious. I highly recommend! First, finely chop the garlic. “Dadini” is Italian for “diced”. Similarly, chop the pancetta into dadini. Originally in Italy, Guinea fowl eggs are used, but today I will use normal eggs.

It is important to bring the eggs to room temperature after breaking them. If you use a small egg, the sauce will thicken just by mixing it in a bowl. We’re using a medium egg, though, so the warm water is important. Cook the pancetta.

I was often taught by Italians that it is important to grill cured pork so that it is crispy. Make sure to cook well. When it gets browned and starts to smoke, add minced garlic to give it a nice garlic aroma.

When the garlic starts to change color, put it in the egg from earlier. Be sure to add something hot to the egg whites. Without heating the egg whites directly, the temperature will rise to a nice level. So, remember to add something hot.

Slice the “Scaglie di Parmigiano” (Parmesan shavings) with a truffle slicer. By slicing, the layers of the cheese become wider, making it easier for the aroma to come out. For the cheese, slice Parmigiano Reggiano and Pecorino Romano in half. Break the egg yolk just before the pasta is cooked.

The pasta we’re using this time is 2.2mm Mancini bronze spaghetti. Carbonara is more delicious with thick pasta after all. Add hot pasta here, but be sure to steam it a little. I’m going to mix this cheese while melting it.

I’m using medium size eggs this time, so it’s still a little watery after mixing. In this state, it is not a sauce, so put it in a hot water bath and raise the temperature slowly to finish it into carbonara.

Making carbonara in a bowl is less likely to fail, so it is recommended for beginners and those who are making carbonara for the first time! When ready, serve it while it’s hot All the ingredients are beautifully cut into cubes, so it feels like carbonara with ragout sauce.

And rub in plenty of coarse black pepper. The key is to finish with a drizzle of soft extra virgin olive oil. Amazingly velvety! That’s all there is to it! The last recipe is an Italian version of carbonara that I used to make when I was working at a local trattoria.

We’re using a short pasta called Mezze Maniche. It takes 13 minutes to boil, so it’s a pretty thick pasta. It’s essential to cut the pancetta thickly this time to match the short pasta, leaving a meaty texture. Use egg yolk only.

Grate plenty of cheese into this egg yolk to make an egg yolk paste in advance. Make into a thick, miso-like paste. Just like this! Here we will stir-fry the thick-sliced ​​pancetta. First, cook until it becomes crispy. The pancetta has become crispy, so add about 100ml of the boiling water as before.

Here, turn off the heat until it is cooked. Add the boiled Mezze Maniche, but when using egg yolk paste, the remaining liquid is very important. If there is too little, the sauce will harden, so leave some liquid before dissolving the egg yolk paste.

After the steam settles down, turn off the heat and mix the ingredients while keeping them hot but not too thick. When the egg yolk paste is nicely incorporated with the pasta, serve it. If you use a cercle mold, you can serve short pasta beautifully. Remove the cercle

Drizzle the creamy sauce and thick-sliced ​​pancetta on top, and sprinkle with fragrant black pepper and cheese to complete! See you in the next “The World of…” video!

→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」


0:00 オープニング
0:16 ①フライパン式カルボナーラ
4:28 ②ボウル式カルボナーラ
8:38 ③本場イタリア式カルボナーラ

スパゲッティーニ 70g (※ラモリサーナ社1.7mm使用)
全卵 1個
卵黄 1個
パンチェッタ 25g
EXオリーブオイル 5cc
茹で汁 120cc
パルミジャーノレッジャーノ 7g 
ペコリーノロマーノ 7g
黒胡椒 適量 



スパゲッティ 70g (※マンチーニ社2.2mm使用)
全卵 1個(Sサイズ推奨)
ニンニク 1かけ
パンチェッタ 25g
黒胡椒 適量
パルミジャーノレッジャーノ 7g
ペコリーノロマーノ 7g
EXオリーブオイル 10cc



メッツェマニケ 50g (※マンチーニ社使用)
卵黄 2個
パンチェッタ 25g
EXオリーブオイル 5cc
茹で汁 120cc
パルミジャーノレッジャーノ 7g 
ペコリーノロマーノ 7g
黒胡椒 適量 
EXオリーブオイル 5cc




マンチーニ スパゲッティ 2.2mm https://amzn.to/3KP1Tek
メッツェマニケ https://amzn.to/3GBwlHl
パルミジャーノ レッジャーノ https://amzn.to/3Gs1JYS
ペコリーノロマーノ https://amzn.to/3N0EO9h
アイコノEXオリーブオイル https://amzn.to/3rb4Aia
ロレンツォNo5オリーブオイル https://amzn.to/3KUvliI
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3rqnFx8

フィスラー (Fissler) フライパン 24cm https://amzn.to/3KXO2T3
パスタ鍋 https://amzn.to/37wwr61
ピンセット https://amzn.to/3JGnvba
レードル 120㏄ https://amzn.to/3uIfFK6
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3jEklKA
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3Efdil9
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/36bHq44
iwaki(イワキ) 耐熱ガラス ボウル https://amzn.to/3PQSUvI

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

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#カルボナーラは男のロマン #基本のカルボナーラ #カルボナーラレッスン


  1. 皆さんカルボナーラはベーコン派、パンチェッタ派、それともグアンチャーレ派ですか🥓❓

  2. 最近カルボナーラにハマっていて、いろいろな方のレシピを試しています。3種のレシピを全てレクチャーしているのはファビオさんが初めてと思います!



  3. 庶民なので、ベーコンです!

  4. 2番目のボールで和えるやつなんですが、ニンニクと豚肉を炒める時にアルミのテフロン加工と思しきフライパンを使っておられましたが、これは何か意味があるのでしょうか。いつもはステンレスのフライパンを使われているようなので、少し気になりました。

  5. ファビオさんこんにちは。



  6. Bravo, three sensible versions of carbonara even if for me the best is the third with some tricks: 1) cheese: 60% parmesan and 40% pecorino romano 2) guanciale: better the slightly peppery one 👍👏

  7. はじめまして、


  8. カルボナーラって、かかっている黒胡椒が炭に見えたのが名前の由来って聞いたんですけど、諸説なんですかね?🐑

  9. いつも楽しく拝見させて頂いてます!普段ファルファッレをよく使うのでファルファッレを使ったのを知りたいです。

  10. 肉が嫌いやから、カルボはあんま😓でも、ファビオシェフが作るのは、食べたい🤤今度、日本では、ポルチーニや、トリュフは入手困難なんで、高いけどです松茸とかで、やってもらってええですか❓🤤

  11. 思わずこちらの動画に影響されてアルミのフライパンを買ってしまいいました。

  12. 味噌タイプのカルボナーラをチャレンジしました。見た目は大満足の仕上がりでしたが

  13. オープニングでの映像で,見れなくなった小林幸司の世界を思い出した.と思ったら,ベースになっていて嬉しい.レシピを公開してそこから下の世代の人が発展させていく話も思い出して感動する.

  14. 卵が大嫌いなのでカルボナーラを作ったことが無かったのですが、、3番目のなら作ってみようかと思いました。