きのこクリームスープの作り方☆焼いて旨味倍増!3種のキノコの旨味たっぷり濃厚きのこスープ♪旨味を引き出す方法をご紹介します☆-How to make Mushroom Soup-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made mushroom soup. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I want to make mushroom soup.

This time I will make a very tasty soup with plenty of mushrooms and lots of flavor. I will be using three types of mushrooms, but you can use any mushrooms you like. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. I hope you’ll have a great time.

Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Shimeji mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, eringi mushrooms, onions, sliced bacon, garlic, milk, cream, water, flour, granulated consommé, salted butter, salt and pepper, parsley.

First of all, there are mushrooms, and this time I will include three kinds. You can add your favorite mushrooms here. And the soup, this time going to make it milk-based. You can also use soy milk for this one. You can use any choice you like.

And I would like to add some extra cream to it to increase the richness. I’m going to make it with these ingredients right away. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First we cut the mushrooms. For the shimeji mushrooms, cut off this root. Then loosen it by hand.

Now you’re ready for the shimeji mushrooms. Then maitake mushrooms. Maitake mushrooms should be loosened by hand as appropriate. Maitake mushrooms are now ready to use. Then the eringi mushrooms. Cut the eringi in half first. Then cut them into pieces about 5 mm thick.

If the size is small, it is OK to cut it as it is. Cut into pieces that are easy to eat. This is OK for the eringi. Then we slice the onions. We’re going to cut off these roots. When you cut the onions, let’s break this one apart as well.

The onions are now ready to go. Then the garlic. The garlic is first cut in half. Then remove the garlic sprouts. This one can easily burn and then become soggy, so be sure to remove it. And then we’re going to chop this one up. Coarse chopping is fine. Garlic is OK with this.

Then the bacon is next. Now, for the bacon, you’re going to peel off all the overlapping pieces cleanly once, and then you’re going to stack them like this. Now going to cut it about 1 cm wide. Keep the bacon scattered as well. That’s OK. Easy recipes at home

Now going to fry some mushrooms. First of all, I put butter in a pan, and then we put chopped garlic here, and then we put it on the fire. The heat is low-medium. Melt the butter while letting the garlic aroma come out. Be careful not to burn the garlic, as it burns easily.

When the butter starts to brown and the garlic is fragrant, it’s time to add the mushrooms. And then I’ll put the bacon and onions in with the bacon and onions. Then once you’ve mixed it in, please turn the butter all over. It makes it more fiery.

Once the butter is all around and the amount has settled down a little bit, we’re going to brown the mushrooms a little bit. If you mix them in here, they won’t brown properly, so let’s just bake them like that. This will give it a very savory finish. about one to two minutes.

Adjust the heat to medium-low to medium-low. It’s been a minute and a half now. I’ll let you take a look at it, and once the mushrooms on the bottom are browned, I’ll mix it in. Mix and bake again. Again, bake for about 1 to 2 minutes. Now it’s been roughly two minutes.

I think a good rule of thumb is to start browning the mushrooms that are sticking to the skin of the pan. Let’s mix it up again. I imagine it’s browned in places like this.

And then I’m going to spread it out again, and then I’m going to bake it for 30 seconds to a minute, because it’s going to lose a little bit of moisture at the end. The onions are cooked well and the flavor of the mushrooms soak into the onions.

It’s been about 40 seconds now. Now that it’s browning nicely, I’m going to mix it again. Can you see it now? It’s browning like this in places. And then turn off the heat. This is how they should be browned to give them a very savory finish.

And now going to sift in the flour. Cover the mushrooms with flour. This way, no lumps will form and a good thickening can be achieved. And let’s mix it all together. When the powderiness is gone, you’re good to go. And then going to add water here first.

And then after I put the water in, we’ll put it on the fire. And then blend it all together once. First of all, you need to thicken the water. This also removes the flavor components that are sticking to the pot. Then first add about 1/3 of the milk. Then mix it.

Put all the rest in. And the whipped cream. And then we’ll mix in the consommé, the granulated consommé, and then I’ll mix this in. Let’s heat it slowly over low heat. Be careful not to boil the milk, because if you boil it, the flavor will change and then a film will form.

Gradually thicken in this way. When the skin of the pot gets a little fluffy, it’s OK. And finally, taste and season to taste with salt and pepper. OK. It turned out delicious. Now I’d like to serve it in a bowl and sprinkle with parsley. Easy recipes at home

Now the mushroom soup is ready. This is how it turned out. Finished like this, full of mushrooms and looking very tasty. Finally, I sprinkled some dried parsley on top. You can use fresh parsley here if you like. Lots of ingredients and it looks delicious. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat.

Looks delicious. It’s already full of mushrooms. Let’s eat. Delicious. I like the texture of these mushrooms. It’s very rich. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It turned out delicious today. Here are the key points of this mushroom soup.

First of all, I used three kinds of mushrooms: eringi mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, and maitake mushrooms. All together, it is about 300g. You can make this one with your favorite mushrooms. Then you cook the mushrooms in a pan, but once you’ve mixed them quickly, you can cook them without moving them.

That way, they will be browned and very fragrant. You should do this without moving the pan about two or three times. The browning may vary depending on the material of the pan, so adjust the baking time accordingly. Just be careful not to burn it.

And when the mushrooms are thoroughly moistened, dust them with flour. This will allow the mixture to thicken naturally. And once you’ve dusted it with flour, the first thing you want to do is add water. And then blend it all in with the water.

By adding water first, you can also scrape out the flavor components from the bottom of the pot. This makes for a more delicious result. Then we add the milk and the cream, but be careful not to let it boil after adding the milk.

If you boil it too much, the flavor will change and a film will form. And when the skin of the pot starts to sizzle, taste and season with salt and pepper. This recipe makes about 3 to 4 servings. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

It’s very tasty, so please try making it! Easy recipes at home I made mushroom soup today. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello☆I’m Yukari, a culinary researcher♪
This time, I made a mushroom potage ☆ It’s a thick mushroom soup with plenty of umami from 3 kinds of mushrooms ♪ I’ll show you how to bring out the umami of mushrooms. It’s very delicious, so please try making it ☆

・しめじ 100g
・舞茸 100g
・エリンギ 100g
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・ベーコン 4枚
・ニンニク 1片
・牛乳 300ml
・生クリーム 50ml
・水 100ml
・薄力粉 大さじ1
・顆粒コンソメ 小さじ2
・有塩バター 15g
・塩胡椒 適量
・パセリ 適量

・100g Shimeji mushrooms
・100g Maitake mushroom
・100g King oyster mushroom
・1/2 Onion
・4 pieces Bacon
・1 Garlic clove
・300ml Milk
・50ml Fresh cream
・100ml Water
・1 tbsp Cake flour
・2 tsp Consomme granules
・15g Salted butter
・Salt and pepper






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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


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  1. こんにちは👋😃

  2. きのこがたっぷりでシチューの様な
    スープパスタにしても良いかも 🥄

  3. 温まりますね~⤴️キノコ大好きです。何種類か使うと 美味しさが増しますよね❗️ゆかり先生🌹のレシピ 手軽な食材で、有難いです。作ります🙋✨

  4. 早速、作ってみました。

  5. スープとゆうよりシチューにちかい感じですね。

  6. きのこ大好き😋🍴

  7. こんばんは!

  8. きのこ大好きなので、今晩作りたいと思います!

  9. 今日作りました🎵パンと一緒に食べました☺️とても美味しかったです🙆ありがとうございました🙇

  10. 作ってみました!

  11. ゆかり先生のレシピ、我が家では大好評です。今日の夕飯にきのこのスープを作りました。生クリームのコクときのこの焼いた感じがめっちゃおいしかったです。きのこを沢山食べれるし身体も温まるし嬉しいです。また作りまーす☺

  12. ゆかり先生~

  13. きのこクリームスープとっても美味しくて2回目作りました☺前回より美味しく出来ましたよ。身体に良いし温まるし本当に最高です。ゆかり先生に質問です!!このスープにしいたけは合いますか??

  14. いつも動画楽しみにしています♡質問ですが、キノコ類、玉ねぎ、ベーコンを入れた後キノコから水分が出るのですが強火にして汁気飛ばした方がよろしいですか?それとも汁気を残したまま次の工程に進んでも大丈夫でしょうか🥹

  15. 初めて作りましたが美味しく作ることが出来ました😊父にもよく出来たと褒められました!ありがとうございます!😊