いつものパンがイタリア風に!?オリーブとドライトマトの『フォカッチャ』の作り方 | Veggie Dishes by Peaceful Cuisine

Hi everyone! I’m Ryoya. The theme of this month is Italian. I made ravioli last week which I edited differently from usual videos. If you haven’t watched it yet, check it out after watching this video. I’m going to ask you for a request for the last video of this month. If you have any Italian food that you want me to cook, feel free to leave a comment. For your information, I’m going to make Panna Cotta next week, and Vegan Pizza the week after next. Anything is ok except for panna cotta and pizza. For example, Milanese cutlet or squid ink pasta…whatever you like. so let’s move on to making focaccia. I used less oil compared to normal focaccia. If you want it more oily, use double or triple amount of olive oil. and adjust by using less water if you increased oil amount. In addition to that, adding fresh rosemary is a good idea and lots of people do that. I added dried tomatoes into the dough, so I though herbs are not necessary, But if you like herbs, put your favorite herbs into the dough and bake it. If you have any request that you want me to show you how to cook,Please feel free to leave a comment. See you next week!


【材料 4枚分】

強力粉 300g
オリーブオイル 20g
ドライイースト 3g
塩 3g

塩 適量(焼く前のふりかけ用)


【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】

◆VEGGIE DISHESの他のレシピはこちらから!
◆Peaceful Cuisine HP → http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◆Peaceful Cuisine Youtube Channel→ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryoya1983
◆ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
◆ Instagram → http://instagram.com/peaceful_cuisine/

This week’s video is “focaccia”. Really easy to make, you don’t even need any tips to make focaccia. The combination of olive and dried tomatoes goes really well. I hope you’ll try this at home 🙂


for the dough:
300g bread flour
20g olive oil
150g water(50g water is for dissolving yeast)
3g salt

for garnish:
12 olives
20g dried tomatoes(soak beforehand)
salt for sprinkle

1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough, knead well, and let it ferment until it doubles in volume.
2. Divide into 4 pieces, add dried tomatoes then roll out to round shape.
3. Let it ferment until it doubles in volume, stick olives into the dough and sprinkle salt on surface.
4. bake at 350F / 180C degree for 20 minutes

A program that shows you vegan & organic food. Vegan is cooking without any animal products uses only plant based food. I also use organic food which are grown without any pesticide, herbicide and chemical fertilizer. I will show you recipes which you can’t think it’s made of only plant foods and surprisingly delicious!

◆uploading a new video on EVERY MONDAY.
◆ check out other VEGGIE DISHES Videos! →

◆Peaceful Cuisine HP → http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◆Peaceful Cuisine Youtube Channel→ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryoya1983
◆ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
◆ Instagram → http://instagram.com/peaceful_cuisine/

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  1. Awesome video and recipe ! I sometimes do focaccia (with chickpea flour, instead of "regular" one) and I add red ognions on top : it's so tasty ! 😛
    I'll try your recipe one of these days !
    Can't wait to see your vegan pizza !
    Cheers ! 🙂

  2. イタリアの地方で食べられている郷土料理なんていかがでしょうか!リボリータやパッパアルポモドーロなど!

  3. りょうやさんの動画をいつも何回も繰り返し見てます!

  4. Ryoyaさん、こんにちは。毎回楽しく見させていただいています。ヴィーガン生活を始めたいのですが、始めるにあたってこの食材はあったほうがいいよ。みたいなものってありますか?いつも、さあ、作ろうと思っても食材が揃っていなくて、結局、ヴィーガン生活を断念してしまいます。来年から大学生になるので、本格的に始めたいなと思っています。

  5. 作ってみたらオリーブオイル風味の普通のちぎりパンになりましたww 途中でオイルを足しながら捏ねたんですが、フォカッチャというよりロールに近い感じでした。そのままでもおいしかったですが、やっぱりオリーブオイルは多すぎるかなと思えるくらい入れないと、イタリアンな感じにはならないんですね、、