
    Hello, This is ASMOM. Continuing from the last purchase, this is a review of groceries It is a review while introducing two side dishes and serving from cooking How to eat and impressions are my own, but I’m happy if you can refer to them when shopping. One item is spice curry chicken curry, but this price is a little expensive, but I bought it Sakura chicken and onion shishito two-colored paprika are soaked in the seasoning liquid raw We also buy frozen nan. Nan can be thawed naturally, but it is better to lightly heat it in the microwave. I heard that you should cook it, but I have not written the cooking method. I put it in a microwave oven and occasionally mixed it with 500w and boiled it for about 30 minutes while watching the situation. It’s hard to tell if the chicken was boiled in the curry, but the chicken will be smaller when boiled, so judge with that. The scent of the moment you open the lid is irresistible Very appetizing The spices are working, but it’s delicious, not too spicy Close to tandoori chicken It’s a cherry blossom chicken so it was soft and easy to eat But I was bitter and bitter than peppers I’m not good at asmama peppers, but you can try hard Genovese Penne eats immediately after coming home from Costco Purchased as a minute Contains tomato mozzarella bacon green beans Just put it in the tray for 500 minutes and put it in the microwave for 10 minutes. The texture of Penne was not good, but the taste is delicious It was surprising that Genovese was green but it was very delicious I’m going to manage For bread, I bought two types of artisan bread: bagel plain, buckwheat loaf, and multi-grain loaf. artisan bread means bread made by a skilled baker. How to put a coup is cool My husband eats bagels every morning, so I buy them every time. The person in charge of slicing is the master This plate is also a Costco binding Kirkland’s manila sauce is applied to the scrambled eggs with sea asparagus Maninara Sauce is a type of tomato sauce, which has mild and sour taste As pasta sauce, of course, I was able to apply it to various recipes, so I plan to upload a video of using manila sauce as well I made a dressing with mixed nuts Mix vinegar, olive oil, oligosaccharides and pepper Mix the crushed nuts Mixed nuts have salt, so no salt is added I will introduce frozen frozen avocado used for salad and frozen mixed fruits of dessert later in this video. Two types of artisan bread, buckwheat loaf and multi-grain loaf, are as thick as 50 cm. The surface is hard like stone, but the inside is soft and moist Both have a simple taste, and when you chew them firmly, you will also feel sweetness. The handmade blackberry jam was so good that it was really delicious This time as well, we use Costco products such as grapefruit pastramicy asparagus grated cheese dressing cream cheese. It’s often said that it’s gorgeous because it’s lined up a lot It’s a late breakfast on holidays, and it’s quite popular because it suits my husband, but I can only eat about half this amount. The rest will be eaten by the owner at a later date. Actually my daughter’s unbalanced diet is so bad that I’m eating something different like this Our dining table is different, so I try not to shoot the whole table too much. So there are many photos for one person on Instagram. I like sandwiches so I always have breakfast like this The buckwheat loaf tasted better than the multi-grain, but the buckwheat loaf had more cavities and the shape was not suitable for sandwiches. Shelf life is about 2 days, so cut all and store in a zip bag Freeze the portion that is unlikely to be eaten by the deadline I bought the grated cheese dressing because it is a coupon sale, but the expiration date is 40 days or less. You should check the deadline before you buy The taste is rich in cheese, creamy and delicious. I want to use the salad unexpectedly and use it within the deadline. The compatibility with rice croquette was also good. We will also introduce how to make this rice croquette in the next video. I bought the Silk Suite at a sale before and I like it so it’s Lipi There were 8 small ones You can use it in various ways such as lemon boiled, but it is boiled in a rice cooker. This rice cooker is not for rice but for cooking I bought it for about 3000 yen, but it’s so convenient that you don’t need expensive cooking appliances. It’s tender, sweet and delicious Grapefruit is also fresh and delicious It can be frozen after peeling, so it’s convenient for lunch if you put it in a small container and freeze it. This mixed fruit is strawberry and pineapple. Red grape, peach. It’s a rare mix, so I bought it It was a package with a zip, but I do not want the contents to be biased so I put it in a transparent zip bag again You can eat it by thawing naturally. It’s delicious and convenient. I like about half defrosting Avocado was divided into 2 bags I also refilled it with a zip bag You can eat it by thawing naturally. You can also fry it while frozen. It is easy to use because it’s a small slice of rose frozen Next time, we are planning a collection of recipes using ks manila sauce Please come again Thank you for watching till the end


    1. サンペレグリノ500ml ×24本…1498円から400円引き 安くて美味しい炭酸水です。DaiGoさんがライブ中に飲んでらっしゃいますよね♪
    2. 3TIER STRAGECADDY…2780円 IKEAのロースコグにそっくりですね。組み立て編は後日(もしかしたらアスターデCHでアップかも)
    3. 7:44 トロピカルマリアアボカド…998円
    4. 0:36 デルソーレナン10枚…718円
    5. フレーバーパスタセット…1428円
    6. アトランテパスタソースセット…1178円
    7. 7:22 MIXED FRUIT…1148円
    8. カルビーあっさりテイストフルグラ750g…518円から100円引き
    9. クエーカーグラノーラ978g×2…1278円 アスパパのお気に入り
    10. 5:55 シルクスイート1.5kg(宮崎県産さつまいも)…598円
    11. 無洗米10kg…3198円
    12. 2:29 バラエティベーグル…680円から100円引き
    13. 2:43 KSオーガニックマリナラ…1398円
    14. オーガニックスパゲティ…1448円 どんどん値上がりしてる気がするけどまだまだコスパは良いです。鬼リピです。
    15. 6:43 ホワイトグレープフルーツ10個…899円
    16. シーアスパラガス…798円 リピだけど、娘はキライって・・。https://youtu.be/hRepik07JZ0
    17. 5:21 BCすりおろしチーズドレッシング320g×2…669円から140円引き
    18. 白ネギ1kg…568円
    19. 3:24 アーティザンブレッドそば粉ローフ…899円
    20. 3:24 アーティザンブレッドマルチグレインローフ…899円
    21. 3:04 KSミックスナッツ1.13kg…2198円から200円引き
    22. 3LAYER MASK 30CT…998円
    23. 3LAYER MASK 30CT(個包装)…1368円
    24. 3LAYER MASK 50CT…1698円マスクのレビューのURLはこちら→ https://youtu.be/7IoNFCgElFo
    25. 伊藤ハム パストラミビーフ…948円 パパと娘の大好物
    26. 0:20 スパイスカリーチキン…2060円
    27. 1:37 ジェノベーゼペンネ…1280円





    #コストコ購入品 #costco #ワンプレート


    1. アスママさん こんにちは😊


    2. こんにちは!

    3. スパイシーカレーチキン、めちゃめちゃ美味しそう😋

    4. こんばんは、アスママ自分のチャンネル持ってたんかーい(笑)


    5. こんばんは✨

    6. アスママのチャンネルや~🎦アスターデちゃんと同じやさしい声で落ち着く~�ASMOMとASMRを見間違えて、囁いてくれるのかと思た😆笑