
This may sound a little weird, but we can get bored with eating sashimi so often. So, we would introduce a different way to eat sashimi using salad sauce. Ingredients would be, 5 midium size horse mackerel, 2 to 3 green onion, 10 perilla leaves, 1 piece of ginger, a half pack of broccoli sprout, a tomato, a cucumber. We would not take the skin off this time, so we would remove the scales completely. After removing the scales, cut the head off. Then we would cut off a spine around the belly. After removing the belly with the spine, remove the guts and blood around the back bone and wash, then we would dry the fish with paper towel. Then we would cut off the back bone. We could cut from the head or tail, either way. Then we would cut off the bones around the belly very thin, then cut them in a bite size. We would put the fish in a bowl, and we would put other ingredients. Tomate cut in 2 to 3mm thin, thredded cucumber with 4cm long, thredded ginger, thredded perilla leaves, and broccoli sprouts. We would pour salad sauce right before eating it. We would use citrus flovored one this time. We could use other ones as well as long as it match the raw fish. It may be a good idea squeezing lemon over other sauce as well. In the end, we would spread green onion over it. We could pretty much put any vegetables like Japanese ginger, it’s your choice. Please put sauce right before eating. We pour earlier this time because we needed to take a picture.


  アジ: 中型5匹程度
  小葱: 2・3本
  シソの葉: 10枚程度
  生姜: ひとかけら
  ブロッコリースプラウト: 2分の1パック
  トマト: 小さめ一個
  きゅうり: 1本

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