
Hello! I am “Minami”, a bicycle rider who wants to move to “Hokkaido” only during “rainy season” when it rains a lot. I am not able to ride my bicycle much these days because of “rainy season”, the great enemy of bicycle riders.

I’ve been taking my stress out on my pet duck because it rains all the time on my days off. So last time I finally bought a “roller” that allows me to ride my bike indoors. I’ll make a video of the “roller” I received next time, if you want to see it.

Well, since this is a precious sunny day in the “rainy season,” I think I will go to the mountains today, which I have been wanting to do for a long time. Yes, today’s destination is “Mt!

Mt. Tsukuba is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan, and in the Edo period (1603-1867), it was called “Mt. I’m looking forward to seeing it now, since it is famous as a mountain climbing spot in “Kanto” area. By the way, today’s course looks like this.

You have to drive a bit on your own to get there. But I will do my best and try to reach “Tsukuba”, the sacred place of “Toad”! After an hour’s ride from my house, I quickly arrive at “Roadside Station Shonan” along the “Teganuma Cycling Road”!

But it was still early in the morning so it was closed. I wanted to try “Kabu soft ice cream” here… Too bad! By the way, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, where this “Teganuma” is located, has the largest turnip harvest in Japan.

Its history dates back to “Taisho era (1912-1926)”, and its cultivation started by commission from a pickle company in “Ueno, Tokyo”. Soft-serve ice cream” is unique, using local specialties such as “wasabi,” “soy sauce,” or “lavender.”

It would be fun to go to different places and do a national “soft ice cream” tour on a road bike. Crossing “Teganuma” and riding north. After running for about 10 minutesーーーit’s the “Tone River”! The width of the river is always overwhelming.

It is no wonder. The Tone River is the largest river in Japan in terms of basin area. The Tone River is the largest river in Japan in terms of basin area, including its tributaries, with an area that includes four Saitama prefectures. But why is the unit of size “Saitama Prefecture”?

So that’s the first break! I bought some “salt tablets” that a viewer told me about in a comment! I’ve been trying to find a way to get some salt in my diet, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. Oh, don’t get me wrong, this is not a candy deal video.

Crossing the “Tone River” and joining the “Tsukuba Express”! If they would run this line, it would be a straight line to “Tsukuba”. The road was a bit scary for cars along the railroad tracks, but it had moderate undulations and was fun to drive on.

Today is great because the weather is nice and there is a tailwind. But a little further from the tracks, there’s nothing: 。。。。 Not even a single duck… I thought I would like to go around “Hokkaido” and see “Kushiro Marsh” and “Abashiri Prison” someday!

As I was running through the “rice fields” where the rice planting had finished, I saw many grassy areas like a beautiful golf course in some places! I wondered if the number of farmers had decreased and they had turned the rice paddies into lawns, so I looked into it.

Actually, “Tsukuba City” produces the largest amount of lawn grass in Japan, 43% of Japan’s total. I’m sorry, “Tsukuba” people. I am amazed that lawn was made in the field like this. Maybe the lawns in your houses were also grown in “Tsukuba”. After driving almost 60km from “Chiba”, “Mt. Tsukuba” finally came into view.

We are now climbing that cloud-covered mountain. I just realized, looking back at the video, you can see the sweat soaking through these clothes… I think it’s because it was very sunny and hot today in spite of the “rainy season”, but it’s embarrassing because it shows that I sweat a lot.

At any rate, I need to refuel at a “convenience store” to make sure I’m not sweating too much. First, “Kusamochi”, the same color as “Mt. This time, I tried “Genmaicha” (brown rice tea)! Wish me luck, I’ll also have “Daifuku” which I had the last time I climbed “Daifukuyama”.

Best “dango” chilled in the fridge! I put a bag on my bike for the first time, but it hit my knee and I couldn’t concentrate on riding. From here I will use it as a back pouch. Nutrition, hydration, and “motivation” are perfect, so let’s head for “Mt!

There is a green arrow like this to the entrance of the climb, so you will not get lost. This time, the course is about 11km from “Hirasawa parking lot” to the goal “Tsutsujigaoka parking lot” through “Fudo pass” and “Kazaeri pass”, with a height difference of 500m and an average gradient of 7.6%.

That’s not the level you climb after driving 60km from home. But I’m going to keep going, believing that “if I make it to the top, I’ll have the best view! So I started the race, but my body felt as heavy as “lead” because I had been running only flat recently.

I even forgot how to shift gears on the bike. The last “Mt. Shikano” was 3.6km and this “Mt. Tsukuba” is 11km, which is almost 3 times the distance, so I can’t image how hard it is.

I was not sure about the pace distribution, so I tried to pedal in a restrained manner at first so that I would not get too tired anyway. By the way, what do you think this blue sign is on the way? Tsukuba” has signs like this one indicating the current location along the course.

As a first-time climber, I was grateful to know the distance to the goal. But this sign, as I got to the second half of the climb, “There’s still 10 more to go!!!” and it becomes more and more resentful. It was like running through a forest until we reached Fudo Pass.

I enjoyed all five senses: the spring water flowing along the road, the pleasant breeze, and the clean air. Sometimes I could see through the trees to the view we had just climbed, and I felt I understood a little bit why I like mountain climbing.

I climbed the last slope with a gradient close to 10% and arrived at the stone monument of “Fudo Touge”, but I was so concentrated that I passed by it without noticing! I was going to take a photo here too, because it was the spot where bloggers and other youtubers were taking photos.

I realized that I had passed by when the count on the blue sign, which I was already familiar with, was back to “1”. But what’s done is done, so I continue to climb all the way to the top.

After passing the monument of “Fudo Touge”, we continued to climb up and down for about 6km. The road continues to climb and descend for about 6 km.

It is a little sad when you are forced to go down, no matter how hard you try to climb up or down, as if you are dissipating your savings. Having safely completed the “Tsukuba Skyline,” we now come to the final section, the “Kazakabe Pass. It was quite hard from here onward.

Heart rate is rising and legs are getting sore. I can’t climb some of the hills if I sit all the time, so sometimes I stand up and pedal the bike to get through the tough parts!

The hardest part was up to this roundabout, but after passing that point, the gradient becomes a bit more moderate and it is the final section. Somehow, I managed to reach the goal: !!!! I made it to the top of the climb! Such a long hill, I can climb it too. Glad…

I couldn’t move right away, so I think I’ll just buy some juice at a nearby store and take a short break. Sweet juice stings my body. The juice tastes several times better than the juice in the lower world.

Now that I’ve calmed down a bit, let’s take a picture in front of the frogs. Here in “Mt. Tsukuba” is famous for “oil of frogs”, but its origin dates back to the time of “Ieyasu Tokugawa”.

A man named “Koyo Shonin” who accompanied “Ieyasu” during the “Osaka Summer Battle” applied “oil of frogs” to soldiers, which immediately stopped their blood and spread throughout the country.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), a man named Nagai Hyosuke, who lived at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba, dressed up as a samurai to attract customers and sold ointment made of “frog oil” with great success. Gerogero (frog cry)

Now that we have recovered with the help of juice and “frog oil”, it’s time to head to our next destination. Speaking of which, on the advice of a viewer, I recently changed some of my “brakes” to “ULTEGRA” ones.

I thought it would be difficult to replace them myself, but I had a dream a few days ago that I fell off a cliff while riding my bike, so I got impatient and bought them that day.

It took me two hours to replace the brakes, but I’m feeling the effects of changing the brakes a lot! It’s really nice and fun to be able to maintain my bicycle by myself with many challenges! Thank you very much for your advice.

I am glad that my dream of falling off a cliff did not turn out to be a positive dream and end the “Minami-Channel”.  About 2 km down the road, I saw a big torii gate! This seems to be the big torii gate of “Mt. Tsukuba Shrine” whose deity is “Mt.

It looks interesting, so let’s go there for a bit. After passing the torii gate, it was a gate town with hotels, stores, etc. It looked like an interesting place for some kind of normal sightseeing. By the way, “Mt. Tsukuba Shrine” used to be a temple called “Chuzenji” until the “Meiji Era”.

The movement to separate Shintoism and Buddhism and to eliminate Buddhism, called “Kishaku (movement to abolish Buddhism),” which occurred in the “Meiji Era,” led to the abolition of Chuzenji Temple, which had developed under the patronage of the Edo Shogunate. And the present “worship hall” was built where the “main hall” used to be.

I thought it would be interesting to see the combination of “shrine” and “temple” atmosphere! I thought it would be interesting. I didn’t have enough energy left to go over the hill to the bicycle parking lot, and I was too hungry, so I didn’t go through this time.

But the view from here was great, so I was somewhat satisfied! I was already so hungry after climbing the mountain that I thought, “I could eat a wild duck!” and finally arrived at today’s lunch spot! Here it is! Chikuzen There’s also a bicycle parking lot.

The exterior looks like an old-fashioned private house, kind of like a grandma’s house! I’m hungry. When we asked about photography, they went out of their way to show us a seat where we could easily take pictures, and they were very kind to us even before we ate. What would you like?

I can’t decide what I like… Shrimp Tempura Soba Noodle Arrival of rice in bowl What the hell… I feel like “Urashima Taro” (Japanese folk tale)… too gorgeous. I’ll take it! Soba Soba noodles are boiled just right. Delicious. Good for tired body after hiking. See Dashi” flavored with “Soy sauce”, “Tororo”. Tantalizing

Let’s try “Tororo” on rice. Delicious! Cold “Miso konnyaku” is also tasty and cools you down. My favorite “sweet potato” and “pumpkin” were also great! This “yam yam gozen” will make your body and mind full of happiness, so please try it to commemorate your ascent of Mt!

I was surprised to see a huge “Okame” on top! Gerogero (frog cry) Lunch has given me stamina, so I will run hard for the remaining 80km! Actually, there is a place I secretly wanted to visit just after getting off “Mt! Tsukuba Wan Wan Land

I am an animal lover, and the name of this place makes me feel like I’m going to be injected with a brain drug. I heard that you can meet 500 dogs and cats, so I really wanted to go there, so I really wanted to go there. 。。。。 I heard that!

Today was a regular holiday… I was even looking for a discount coupon… It was my lack of confirmation, so I’m going to put this frustration on the pedals and move on!  Riding along the famous “Tsukuba Ring Ring Road” and beautiful country roads, it feels like “summer” already!

I take a countermeasure against heat stroke by taking salt at a convenience store. It is impossible for a nurse to collapse from heat stroke. Entering the city of “Tsukuba,” the road is wide and long.

This area is called “Gakuen Higashi Dori”, where many national and corporate research institutes are located, and it is interesting just to look at the names of the facilities. If I bring my bicycle to “High Energy Accelerator Research Organization”, they might even make my pedaling the speed of light. 。。。。 Just kidding.

Tsukuba City” was created in the 1960’s when research and educational institutions in Tokyo were relocated due to overcrowding and air pollution in “Tokyo”. Today, there are still 300 research institutes and companies in the city.

Incidentally, the positron gun used in “Operation Yashima” in the 6th episode of the anime “Evangelion” was also developed at the “Strategic Self-Defense Forces Technical Research Institute” here in “Tsukuba”. Amazing “Tsukuba”! Since I’m here today, I’m going to visit a place I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time. That is here!

This is “Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency”, also known as “JAXA”! You may learn the secret of speed because both rocket and road bike use the same cutting-edge “CARBON”! I think I’ll take a little tour. But nobody is here in bicycle clothes. Now that I have permission to take pictures, let’s get going!

Once inside, you will see a full-scale model of a “satellite” and a real rocket engine on display in a large dome. The development of domestic rockets started with this “Pencil Rocket” and the latest “H2-B Rocket” has a 100% success rate, and the previous “H2-A Rocket” had a 95% success rate.

Generally speaking, 95% success rate is a standard for a good rocket, so it means that Japanese rockets are quite good! Let’s also go into the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” of the International Space Station. At last, “Minami-Channel” is going beyond the world into space!

Inside, there are so many switches even in one refrigerator, and I’m not good with machines, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to take out the ice cream. This shows the thickness of the walls of the experimental building, which are only 10 cm from the outermost wall to the inner pressurized wall.

The thinner the better, but I think it is somewhat similar to road bike tires, where various measures are taken to prevent tearing. There is something fascinatingly named in space food. I wonder what it tastes like for adults… This is a model of “bearing” used in space.

In the vacuum of space, oil and grease cannot be used, and maintenance is difficult, so “bearings” are used, which have low friction and turn a billion times. When you turn them together… JAXA! Please put this on my bicycle “wheel”!

There was also a full-scale “H-2 rocket” on display outdoors, and even though I am not very familiar with space, I enjoyed it a lot. After studying about space and thinking about the “Minami-Channel” going into space, I’m getting a little hungry, so I think it’s time for a snack. Here is today’s snack spot!

Kuradashi Yaki-imo “Kacatka” (baked sweet potato) The place I’ve always wanted to visit… There’s also a bicycle parking lot. This is a real ballerina. This is a real birthday cake. And you prepared milk as a drink… you know well the heart of sweet potato lover… Delicious!

Here you can enjoy various varieties of “sweet potatoes” in the form of baked potatoes and sweets. I think you will not be disappointed with the many items on the menu, so if you like “sweet potatoes”, please go there!

I have no regrets now that I’ve eaten sweet potatoes, so I’m going to run the remaining 50km as fast as I can. I thought I would be able to run the last 50km, but now the headwind is getting stronger and the pedals are getting heavier…

I was conscious not to pedal too hard because it doesn’t last long even if I pedal hard, but then I notice that my legs are stiff and sore. I guess the headwind made me pedal harder without realizing it. When I checked, it looks like the wind speed was about 6 mph.

On the way back, I found a stylish brick building! This place may be…… Yes! This is “Ushiku Chateau”, the first real wine brewery in Japan, built by “Denbei Kamiya” who was the owner of the villa! The business hours have already ended today, but it was nice to see the beautiful main building!

The headwind was breaking my heart, but I feel a little more energized, so I’ll hang in there a little longer! Today, I was anxious to climb a mountain for the first time in 3 months, but I was happy to make it up “Mt. Tsukuba” safely!

But this time, there were unexpected traffic lights on the way to “Mt. Tsukuba” and I often felt uneasy because my navigation system stopped working. Where shall we go next? That’s how I would like to end the video today. Thank you for watching until the end of today!

If you like this video, please click the “Good” button and subscribe to our channel! See you soon!




⏰ タイムスタンプ
0:00 オープニング
1:06 今日のコース
1:20 道の駅しょうなん
2:16 利根川
3:38 つくばのまちなみ
5:53 不動峠
8:06 風返し峠
8:40 筑波山山頂
11:08 筑波山神社
12:07 「筑前」
14:23 つくばわんわんランド
15:09 学園東大通り
16:10 JAXA
18:37 蔵出焼き芋「かいつか」
19:47 牛久シャトー

私の愛車「TREK Domane AL3」と、いろいろ使っているもの紹介しちゃいます!




  1. お疲れさんでした。筑波山のロングライド楽しく拝見しました。「ガマガエル・薬」で子供の頃、実演販売を

  2. どなたかにすでにアドバイスされているかも知れませんが、坂を下る時のコーナリングでは曲がる方向と反対の足を下にしてみて下さいね😮

  3. サ胸につられてきたヤツ、後で職員室に来なさい。


  4. みなみさん、こんばんは😆🚲ロードバイク順調でしょうか❗車に気をつけてね。快適そうですね笑。ロードバイクってスピード出るんですね😱早いな~こぎかためっちゃくちゃ可愛いですよ。ロードバイクのコーディネートもオシャレスタイル抜群だよ。やっぱりみなみさんの声ですよ🥰💉みなみさんのいらっしゃる病院でみなみさんが担当だったらいいのにな笑😅お顔拝見させてほしいですね。🙏みなみさんは白衣の天使ですね。可愛い。🥰🖐️

  5. 最近見出した所なので詳しく知りませんが何時も結構な距離走られてますね~。

  6. 看護師って仕事も肉体的に結構ハードだと思うのですが、休日にこれだけの距離とヒルクライムを

  7. 初めまして。いくつか動画見させてもらってます。

  8. 1年前の動画なんですね。

  9. 筑波山より低い地元の弥彦640M位ですが足ガクになりましたよ。やっぱみなみさんはタフです。

  10. お疲れ様です。





    JAXAの見学も面白いですね。でも早起きしないと時間が足りなそう(汗) ベアリングを見たら回してみたくなるのはローディー有る有る(^^)
