
Here you go! Bring it over! Yes!! So delicious! Chinese Bowl you eat in a Chinese restaurant. How many minutes? Now? Three minutes!! Welcome! My way to start a speech is good, isn’t it? With such hand gestures. Ramen. Tsukemen. Takechanmen. Let us start! Today, surprisingly, I will show you “Chinese Bowl” (Chukadon).

After you watch this video, The “room for vegetables” in your fridge will be “cleared” (emptied)! With semi-professional Seafood Chinese Bowl right before you. Let me introduce ingredients for it first. The overview column shows ingredients and amount in detail. Please refer to it. When you cook, you need “guts”. With guts, I will today.

I will concoct sauce for it first. Water. Chicken broth (stock). Ajinomoto and salt! Liquor in! For sauce. I’ll twist. Twister! Hey guys. Stop laughing behind my back. They, I’ll add heat to it on this frying pan. Or warm it. This is for Chinese Bowl. It is named “Chinese”. So, heat should be strong.

Oil in. Then, “mixed seafood”. With some heat added, haul in vegetables right away. I’ll fry these vegetables and mixed seafood. On fire right off! Even if they have been frozen, with this “fire power” and oil, they’ll be unfrozen immediately and heated. It may be harder to unfreeze vegetables than mixed seafood, I guess.

I’ve got (normal) cabbage in that fridge today. That’s why I’ve adopted it. But if you’ve got Chinese cabbage (white cabbage), It’ll be “more Chinese” and delicious, of course. Well heated. Then, sauce made will come in. With “fire power” still as strong which will make this soup whiter (opaque).

Or “milky white”. Let me do that. Good. Very milky and white. Then. Next, Mizukaki Katakuriko (water-soluble starch) in. Make your heat a little weaker here. Salt & pepper! Sesame oil, lastly. With this in, your Chinese Bowl will become “more Chinese”. Stop your “fire power”. Then? You will put “all” on rice. Let’s go!

Looks so tasty. Complete! Go ahead! Now is the time! Well. Your Chinese Bowl is done. Let us eat. In no time. I forgot to do something. I will, anyway. On air. Like this! Time!! It really is time. Wow!! Extremely delicious. This is Chinese Bowl you’d eat in a Chinese restaurant.

But actually, you can cook it at your own home, very easily. Then you should do so. How many minutes have I spent to do this? Just three minutes! You can finish it just within three minutes. And you can do it very handily at home. For example, on Saturday, when your kids or back.

Or when you have some unexpected guests. And you have nothing to serve. But just with stuff in your fridge, such as mixed seafood, as I have shown you, you can cook. Pork can be used instead, of course. Chicken, beef, anything. Seafood. Just about anything.

Vegetable, meat, fish, anything that are “left” in the fridge. You can just combine them to cook. You can do it very easily. And at home! Please do so. One more tip. Or one more second, not a minute. Depending on your preference, use vinegar. A little bit of vinegar

Will change the taste a bit. I’d put this much. And mix. Wow! “Acidity” of the vinegar is “into my lungs”! Sorry. But you might be more addicted to it with vinegar in. Actually, addiction comes from Such acidic property, a bit strong, or hotness (being spicy), Or sweetness. A bit strong.

These are things we human beings tend to love. Thus, to create a “unique” taste, or one people will be reminded of, you need to have something “sharp” (unique). when you cook This will leave a good impression on your friend. Please keep that in mind. I introduced Chinese Bowl today.

If you have learned something from this video, or just loved it, please subscribe and press “Like”. Any comment or request for recipes are always welcome. Please. Hope you’ll love this Chinese Bowl. Thank you very much! Well done! Again, if you have learned something or liked it, please subscribe and give me good grades!




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水 150cc
塩 小さじ1
酒 小さじ2
鶏ガラ 1つまみ(1g)
味の素 2つまみ(2g)
ミックス野菜 100g
ミックスシーフード 100g
油 大さじ1
水溶き片栗粉 大さじ1
コショウ 1ふり
ゴマ油 小さじ1
お酢 お好み

#バズレシピ#料理 #つじ田 #中華丼#レシピ