
    Today I’m going to use the fish that you probably have at least one in your fridge. I’m going to use Bachi-maguro(bigeye tuna). I’m gonna make marinated bigeye tuna bowl. Tuna should always be in your fridge. There are several kinds of tuna.

    This is different from the most expensive tuna of all, Bluefin tuna. It’s not super fatty, and the taste is lighter. So I think bigeye tuna is great for marinating. I think I use this knife a lot in my video. This is Damascus Kiritsuke Gyuto knife From Aoki Hamono Seisakusho.

    Kiritsuke knife has a shape like this. I love cooking knives. I was kept telling people how much I love knives. I got a gift from Aoki Hamono Seisakusho. I received this as a gift. This is really cool. I’m not trying to advertise anything. They gave me such a fantastic knife,

    So I want to fillet these bigeye tuna with this knife. I often fillet horse mackerel, mackerel, and amberfish. This is the second time filleting tuna. So I don’t think I can fillet them perfectly I’ll do my best. Okay, let’s get started Cooking Starts Now Maguro(tuna) is “Makkuro(jet black)”

    I’ll start filleting tuna. Please skip 2:30~4:00 if you don’t want to see blood and guts of tuna. Okay, let’s do this. This is today’s main ingredients. Bigeye tuna(Bachi-maguro also called Mebachi) This one tuna weighs about 5kg. This is one of the ways to check the fish at the supermarket.

    Cover your hand with a plastic bag Open the collar to look for bright red color gills. That’s what I do to find the good one for sashimi. I’ll remove the head, collar, and guts. I’ll do that with Deba knife. I was wondering how I should fillet this tuna.

    Since this tuna is not huge, I’ll do the same as filleting amberfish. I think I don’t have to do 5 pieces filleting. First, cut the membrane of gills on both sides. Cut the root of the chin & the root of gills

    It’s hard to see, but there is one more root of gills. Cut it with a knife. Make an incision from the anal fin to the head Open! Hold the gills and pull hard. Guts come off with the gills. Tuna flesh is delicate, so I don’t want to rinse with water.

    So I’ll just clean it with paper towels. Cut the neck joint. Some of you don’t want to see them, but This is gills. This is guts. I’ll separate edible parts of guts. This is a heart of tuna. The gut over the outside is tuna liver Which I don’t like.

    This is the stomach of tuna It has so many things inside, so I’ll just throw this away I’ve changed my mind. It was much cleaner than I thought. I rinsed it with water. Now I’ll remove the collar of tuna, and start 3 pieces filleting.

    Cut at an angle the line connecting pectoral fin with a pelvic fin. Let’s move on 3 pieces filleting. As I said, tuna and bonito have delicate flesh. And salmon and Spanish mackerel, to name a few. So try to make a cut in one stroke as much as you can.

    The scale here is tough to cut. After you cut here… Cut the hard part like this. Make a straight cut until you reach the spine. Place a knife between the bone and the flesh Now I have one piece here. Turn the fish around. Repeat the process. Just try to cut the surface.

    Cut along the bones. Place a knife between the bones and the flesh 3 pieces filleting is done! I want to start with scraping the flesh off the bone. So-called nakaochi. Bones from the spine and bones from the body separate here. Like this Fins cause an unpleasant smell. Cut the border

    Do the same to the other side. I’ll just use these bones. I’m gonna prep tuna head now. Place a knife at the center of the head. Hold the chin and cut the head in half. Open and cut the chin joint in half.

    Tuna head is not so hard to cut compared to amberfish and grouper. It won’t be challenging to fillet tuna. Here are the head, collars, bones And tuna flesh, and guts I’ll put these in a fridge. Let’s prep tuna flesh for sashimi. I’m gonna remove belly bones. Removing belly bones.

    This knife has an incredibly sharp blade. I can cut without making any efforts. Cut and remove dark blood bones I’m gonna skin them. The skin close to the tail is fragile and easy to tear apart. So I’ll really carefully and slowly skin it. There is some skin left on the flesh.

    It’s so hard to skin tuna. Cut and remove dark blood meat. I’m done with prepping tuna flesh. These dark blood meat taste great if you fry or simmer them. I recommend using ginger when you season them. I’ll make a late-night meal with these. I want to make marinade first.

    Sake, soy sauce, and mirin You can substitute sake with water. I’ll tell you the ratio later. I’m gonna boil down sake and mirin. If you are afraid to see fire, please skip the video a little bit. When it starts to boil, Turn the heat to low. Don’t do this with high heat.

    Light a fire. Simmer until the flames burn out. It’s done! They are cooled to room temp, so I’m gonna combine them. The ratio of 1: 1: 1. Use boiled down soy sauce and sake to make the marinade. I made it less salty than usual. Combine. Add dried kombu kelp. The marinade is done.

    I’ll boil the surface of tuna. Just cook the surface Put in iced water Cool completely Remove the moisture with paper towels. Prepping is done! Put Saku blocks in the marinade. Cover with paper towels. Adding Saku block to marinade is called “Saku-zuke.” Adding slices of sashimi to marinade is called “Jika-zuke.”

    It takes a half to a day to marinate Saku block. If you marinate longer, tuna flesh becomes dry. 12 hours later 24 hours has passed. think marinating is done. It looks amazing. I’m gonna make 3 kinds of marinated tuna bowl. The basic marinated tuna bowl

    I just have to prepare garnish for this. I want to pour hot dashi broth for the second one. The third one is yamakake-don with grated mountain yam. I need to make dashi broth for 2 rice bowls That’s why I kept these. Let’s make dashi broth. Remove the fin

    It will be a waste if I use the head to make broth. Cheek, head meat, and eyeballs are delicious. I’ll keep this and make simmered head For a late night meal. I might make a video for my second channel with this.

    I think I’ve shown it before, So I’ll just quickly make broth. Lightly salt on both sides. Leave for 10 to 15 mins. Pat dry the surface with paper towels. I usually put in boiling water to remove the unpleasant smell I’ll grill to do that today. I grill them first.

    Grill until you smell the roasting aroma. Add water And sake Turn on the heat. I put water to completely cover the bones Don’t worry, I did it on purpose When it starts to boil, Turn the heat low. Simmer for 10 mins while skimming off the foams. I simmered for 15 mins.

    This tastes amazing already. I was planning to add bonito flakes, But I decided not to. Turn off the heat Strain I’ll take some broth to make yamakake(grated yam sauce). Season with some salt The broth is done! These are leftovers from making broth.

    With soy sauce, sake, mirin, and coarse sugar I made a late night meal. I’m gonna make grated yam(tororo). I’m using grated yam a lot lately. I just want to use them all. Yamato yam. Tuna broth, boiled down sake & mirin, and light colored soy sauce.

    The ratio of 10: 1: 1: 1 Add to grated yam. Mix well Yamakake is done. the ratio is 3: 1 for grated yam and mixed dashi sauce Let’s start plating a dish. I can finally use this. I didn’t know that they put my name right here. It says T.Tanizaki. This is really cool.

    Let’s slice them. The color of marinated tuna is beautiful. The edge of the knife is sharp. Cut the end of Saku blocks into dice. Sprinkle roasted sesame seeds Again for my late night meal. I’ll give a finishing touch to each marinated tuna bowl. This is the basic marinated tuna bowl. Egg yolk

    This is egg yolk and marinated sauce. Stir to mix Sprinkle your favorite garnish on top Marinated tuna bowl is done. Roasted sesame seeds Myoga ginger And prepare hot dashi broth and chopped mitsuba parsley For yamakake bowl Tororo(Grated yam sauce). Done! These are boiled and chopped guts Ponzu(citrus soy sauce) Chopped scallions

    Momiji-oroshi(spicy grated daikon radish) to taste Here’s marinated tuna bowl meal! Let’s eat. It’s finally done! MAGURO! (Tuna) You might wonder what this is. I used so many egg yolks for topping So I made soup with egg whites and leftover broth. And I added a little bit of miso. Let’s dig in. Itadakimasu

    I need to take a sip first. The taste is mild. Because I only used egg whites, the texture is a little gooey. And it tastes like miso soup with fish. Mitsuba parsley is refreshing. This is delicious for sure. Before eating tuna bowls, I’ll try boiled guts with ponzu sauce.

    Dip in the ponzu sauce. It’s different… I like the crunchy texture of the amberjack stomach, But the tuna stomach is tender than I thought. The tuna heart is Not fishy at all. The tuna guts are light and easy to eat. Time to eat marinated tuna bowl. Marinated tuna and creamy egg yolk Delicious

    Bigeye tuna has light taste, so It goes well with creamy egg yolk. This is incredibly delicious. I was right about making egg yolk soy sauce. Cooked surface added another layer to the texture And the aroma of soy sauce comes when I bite into it. The center of tuna flesh is tender and gooey

    Can you see what I’m going to say? This is just excellent. I think I’ll eat up. Well, I think I’ll finish eating very quick today. Since sashimi is perishable, It is good to eat up quickly. Let’s eat. I’ll try yamakake-don(grated yam bowl) next.

    I know you are tired of seeing grated yam. But tuna and grated yam are amazing together. This is excellent. Lean flesh and grated yam go so nicely together. Because I put grated yam too much, I can drink them. Grated yam made it easy to eat

    I can feel the moist, gooey, and sticky texture of marinated tuna. I didn’t mention this. I used rice cooked with barley. Tuna+grated yam=Good Rice+grated yam=Good Tuna+rice=Good I don’t have to mention it anymore. I cut tuna into thick slices. The flesh is so tender, And I didn’t need to slice thinly.

    I made the right choice. I feel delighted when I put a thick slice of tuna in my mouth. I should’ve made regular sashimi. Lastly, let’s try ochazuke versions. (rice with tea poured over it) I have to end the meal with ochazuke! This is awesome.

    This is the best among marinated tuna bowls that I made today for sure. I really like the cooked surface. It’s so tender. This is really nice. ~now I imagine the sweet future~ Think about the day I had to attend the party and I’m going home late.

    If my future wife waits for me with this…. I’ll fall in love all over again with her. This is the last marinated tuna bowl. I’m sorry that I’m eating up really fast. I should be able to do this once in a while. Gochisosamadeshita. It was so delicious.

    It’s great to have something easy to eat once in a while Today’s bigeye tuna cost 6800 yen(approx. 68USD) each. The fish shop gave me a discount, So I just paid 12000 yen for both. (approx.120USD) The price is about the same as amberjack Or a little more expensive.

    Leaving aside the expensive aqua raised amberjack. As I said before, the skin close to the tail is thin. So you need to be careful with that when you skin the tuna. All the other cooking process is not so complicated. If you find a whole tuna, please give this a try.

    Bigeye tuna is not fatty compared to bluefin tuna. I recommend eating with grated yam or ochazuke style. If I had more cooking skills, I could fillet them quickly. I need to practice more. I’ll finish the video around here. See you in the next video. Bye~














    『(株)キューブエンターテイメント マネジメント事業部』 まで

    (株)キューブエンターテイメントマネジメント事業部 谷崎宛


    1. この動画で僕は貴方に出会えた。

    2. 一昨日、夜食に真鯛をゴマだれで和えて作った、鯛茶漬けつくりましたよ。中骨を焼いて煮出した出汁をかけたやつ。私があと30歳若かったら谷やんのお嫁さん候補にしてもらえたのかしら?

    3. 手順と部位が丁寧に解説されていて、めっちゃ勉強になります!

    4. 0:04 「皆さんのご家庭の冷蔵庫には必ずいるバチマグロ」


    5. 惚れ"直す"相手がおりません✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

    6. 頭とか内臓とか、日本人ってほんとに食べれるところは全部食べちゃえ精神ですよね笑

    7. おいおい、誰も触れてないけど一番最初に「恐らくどこのご家庭の冷蔵庫に1匹は入ってるであろう、マグロ」って言ってるけどやばいぞ笑

    8. 若く小さなマグロは、刺身にするなら最後に血合いをとれば食べやすくなります。残った血合は唐揚げにしても旨いですし、茹でて冷ましてほぐせば、鉄分たっぷりで猫ちゃん大喜びのエサにもなります(もちろん人間が食っても旨いです)。

      by 某スーパーの鮮魚担当